Spheroman / ThingRanker

a work in progress pairwise thing ranker for simple decision making
3 stars 2 forks source link

Design website layout #8

Closed Spheroman closed 1 week ago

Spheroman commented 2 weeks ago

Design a layout for each page, alongside a color palette and pick a font that fits it.

Preferably something modern and clean, with a mobile and desktop layout

Doesn't have to be an actual webpage but a drawing or a mockup to start, and then we can do the programming to make it work.

Once this is finished, we can make the html. In the meantime, we can use just basic forms and tables.

We have 5 pages so far:

Anzenith commented 2 weeks ago

current work in progress figma file https://www.figma.com/design/fkUNiNu0bEyCh0Jy0L1Cwo/ThingRanker?node-id=0%3A1&t=y7JFMhpbsLfxZt8D-1

Spheroman commented 2 weeks ago

It doesn't have to be food based, it's anything based. any sort of competition, not necessarily restaurants. That makes it able to be used for general usage. You can just call it thingranker for now until we come up with a better name for it.

Anzenith commented 2 weeks ago

homepage, pairing, and results done in figma

Anzenith commented 1 week ago

Finished all the website design layouts