Sphinkie / StarGen-II

Realistic solar systems generator
MIT License
22 stars 0 forks source link

Compiling the files. #2

Open gabrielvelasquez opened 1 year ago

gabrielvelasquez commented 1 year ago

Hey man, I've been studying Astrophysics and Planetology off and on for a while, since they started finding exoplanets. I tried to help Jim Burrows with his Stargen but he didn't want to change anything even though he asked for suggestions, and I think it was mainly that he didn't understand the code he built on. I really appreciate all the improvements your version seems to have. There are so many ideas, suggestions and improvements I could pass on to you. I am not a programmer, I haven't done any programming for 30 years. I haven't gotten your version complied yet, I've just been trying to get it to run from the command line, using Windows 7. All I seem to be able to get are single planet outputs, mostly a single asteroid. stargen-100-1.1.zip The Star Trek planet option worked, but a lot of those don't make much sense. Vulcan came out as an ocean planet for example. I downloaded Cygwin but I got to open it once to look at it, but then it wouldn't work thereafter. It's just a batch file that doesn't do anything now. 40-Eri-728286325.zip I'm not sure what to do at this point. I was going to try to compile the files into something I can run in Windows as an executable, but I don't know where I was reading about that now. I'm going to try to download Cygwin again after trying to find what I read that suggested I should do that in the first place. Any help you could proved would be appreciate. A step by step on how to compile the files to run on Windows would be great. I have a lot of ideas. I'm curious to know if you are using all 98 natural elements? https://www.thoughtco.com/how-many-elements-found-naturally-606636

Did you know Mercury has an atmosphere? it is mostly Sodium gas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmosphere_of_Mercury

Did you know it is possible to have a Neon Ocean planet? Neon is the 5th most abundant element. There's more Neon than Iron.

Thanks for reading. Gabriel Velasquez, gabe69velasquez@hotmail.com

Gliese_581_c_-_Sarah_Seagers_GAS_DWARF_Example Planet_Terrestrial_Earth_Animated 800px-Habitable_Moon_2 0 heic2017a Mars-watery saturn 20131017 Tundra Plant dbalk4f-d67fcda4-d571-4113-adfb-06f479fc4cef il_794xN 2591176139_t4tp XGAFuyF (1) 37983_mars Red Iron 4 33 StarGen.zip Bakubar-thumb 2 Scr00025 Lt plot Gliese_581_c_Temperatures Habitable_Planet_Orbit_Eccentricities 30 Arietus System data 16847256949_5584faaf87_o (2) med_Carbon-Black-Planet2 med_Glim

Sphinkie commented 1 year ago


To run the demo program, you can go on the "code" page and click on the "releases" button.
Then, download the EXE and the 2 DAT files.

stargen .......... generates a datasheet for a random solar-system stargen 0 ........ generates the datasheet of our Solar System stargen 97649 .... (or any number <120000) generates a solar-system based on the Celestia database

To compile the sources, I use the Windows QT Creator compiler. It is free and very easy to use. (I do not use a Linux system) The QT project file (stargen.pro) and the makefiles are includes in the repository.

Ciao David

gabrielvelasquez commented 1 year ago

I tried two out of three methods to run the program:

1) from the command line, the program with the other two files you recommended, stargen, starnames and stars. It did not work.

stargen_exe command line

2) from command line, the program with 2015 files. I can run it from command line, with some extensions, but it only ever outputs single planets/asteroids.

3) Compiling the files for 64-bit Windows is what I'm working on next. I tried to figure out Qt and I don't know what to use except maybe Qt Design Studio. It requires you to give them your business information, and I don't have a business, plus it looks like it's for creating UI graphics.

I downloaded Visual Studio directly from Microsoft and will try https://gcc.gnu.org/ if that doesn't work. No, I installed VS and it froze, maybe it's a Windows 7 problem. Visual Studio Frozen

You didn't comment on the images I shared. I take it you are done with the program and not interested in making improvements?

Much of what I shared was actually my own work... https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:GabrielVelasquez

Have you heard of these classifications? I see now it's my inability to get multi-planet outputs. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classification_de_Sudarsky

I found an image that would be awesome for an iron planet: https://telegra.ph/file/768eb30a864d3cdbd7715.png 768eb30a864d3cdbd7715 edit 3

If you have any type of flowchart, I've done some programming for 30 years, and I'd be willing to suggest code changes, like including more gases for atmospheres. I've noticed in the output of abundance in the command line outputs that only Hydrogen is used.

I really wish there weren't just the gas giant "true or false" categories, because that gives inconsistent output results for planets that are in the middle of the earth and gas giant, and I mean that it would be nice to know the surface pressure for a gaseous dwarf, if it is really greater than 8 atmospheres, for example.


There's probably a lot here that can be used to create parameters and variables. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planetary_habitability

Well, I used Google-Translate so I hope I'm understanding, but if you don't want to have a conversation, I'll understand. I have toddlers (b/g twins x2) to take care of, but I'm not always busy. Bye. Gabriel.

768eb30a864d3cdbd7715 edit 3 gold 768eb30a864d3cdbd7715 edit 3 green

Sphinkie commented 1 year ago

Hello Gabriel,

Here is the procédure the get and install the Qt Creator compiler. Goto Qt website : https://www.qt.io/product/development-tools

Download the free version of the development-tool Qt Creator (all down of the page)

  1. click on Download Qt for open source use
  2. Download the QT online installer

Download and run the file qt-unified-windows-x64-4.5.2-online.exe

  1. launch the exe
  2. login or create an account
  3. Select the option MinGW toolchain
  4. Install
  5. Finish

Click on Open project Go to the path where you have the stargen sources, and select stargen.pro Click to import project Compile ou Build A folder build-stargen-Desktop_Qt_6_4_3_MinGW_64_bit-Release is created, including the compiled exe.

To run, the EXE needs some DLLs ! Copy the following DLL from C:\Qt\6.4.3\mingw_64\bin to the folder where is exe file is.

Then you can run the stargen.exe that you have compiled !

Now, concerning the stargen program, you have to known that I am not the original writer of the code. At this time, I was writing a space game, and I wanted to have procedural realistic solar systems.

I found old source files in C. It seems to be the work of several people (astronom, chemist, ...) I tried to understand my best to make a decent portage to C++, and interfaced it with the Celestia database and that became "Stargen-II".

Stargen-II generates XML data (and commented text document). It does not generate HTML or graphical planets.

Your pictures are very nice, I did not realised that you did them yourself. Are you using a graphical tool (like photoshop) or procedural generation ?

BR David

gabrielvelasquez commented 1 year ago

Hello David, I haven't gotten to following the steps you laid out yet because I get busy, but I will soon. I still tinker with the command line version trying to get normal outputs and that is still frustrating. As for the images, I mentioned the first few were mine, that is why I included the gallery link. For the ones that I created, I did use various programs. When I converted Burrows GasDwarf into an animated gif I expanded the original into a skin for Celestia, and then I took screen captures as I rotated the planet in Celestia to be able to create the animation. The version of the Earth that rotates was very similar, but I used screen captures of the planet Earth they already had in Celestia if I remember correctly, only I used 32 screen captures to make it smoother than the 16 that I used for the GasDwarf. The image of the blue Gas Giant with the cratered habitable moon was also done with swapping skins in Celestia, that is actually Jupiter with the tint changed, and one of the moons with the skin changed. The actual skin on that cratered moon was done in a program I don't have anymore, it was map program where you had various tools to lower and raise the terrain. There are some really good ones out there, I might have been using a demo version, but all I remember was someone mentioned it in a world building for RPGs forum, and I had various ones, I can't remember the name now. Of the charts I shared, all but the exoplanet.org plot are my calculations. So if I understand you correctly, you are not the person who added all the Gas Giant categories, all the other new ones... TERRESTRIAL 1FacePlanet AsteroidsPlanet binaryPlanet CarbonPlanet CometPlanet IcePlanet IronPlanet MartianPlanet OilPlanet RockPlanet TerrestrialPlanet UnknownPlanet VenusianPlanet WaterPlanet

GAS GIANTS AlkaliGasPlanet AmmoniaGasPlanet BrownDwarfPlanet CarbonGasPlanet CloudlessGasPlanet GasDwarfPlanet JovianPlanet MethaneGasPlanet SilicateGasPlanet Sub-JovianPlanet SulfurGasPlanet WaterGasPlanet

I would really like to talk to the person who added all the new planets because I still see many of the same errors coming up. For example, the equilibrium temperature of the Earth is -18 °C, so the other 33°C to bring it up to 14°C comes from greenhouse gases, like C02 and water vapor, etc. Do you know who added all the extra planets?

gabrielvelasquez commented 1 year ago

Incidentally, I have swapped in the following images for the outputs, they are mainly animated gif files replacing gif files:

MethaneGasPlanet MethaneGasPlanet MartianPlanet MartianPlanet AmmoniaGasPlanet AmmoniaGasPlanet 1FacePlanet 1FacePlanet GasDwarfPlanet GasDwarfPlanet TerrestrialPlanet TerrestrialPlanet RockPlanet: https://media.tenor.com/v9XIZ3ZgKvEAAAAd/moon-earths-moon.gif CarbonPlanet: https://gifer.com/en/n8K IcePlanet https://media.tenor.com/dZNmPSMzv-QAAAAC/mighty-boosh.gif ... just kidding.

WaterPlanet WaterPlanet IronPlanet IronPlanet IcePanet IcePlanet

They all work as substitutes. I'm still looking for the other planet types, and other animated gifs.

Incidentally, I downloaded Wilbur just now to check it and I think it could have been one of the programs, or something similar: Wilbur Editor test Habitable_Moon_2 0