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[Network] IPv6 #23

Closed Sphinxes0o0 closed 7 months ago

Sphinxes0o0 commented 10 months ago
  1. IPv6
Sphinxes0o0 commented 10 months ago

[RFC8200] ("Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification") provides the base architecture and design of IPv6. In addition to [RFC8200], related work in IPv6 that an implementer would be best served to study includes

These specifications enable DHCP to build upon the IPv6 work to provide robust stateful autoconfiguration.

[RFC4291] defines the address scope that can be used in an IPv6 implementation and also provides various configuration architecture guidelines for network designers of the IPv6 address space. Two advantages of IPv6 are that support for multicast is required and nodes can create link-local addresses during initialization. The availability of these features means that a client can use its link-local address and a well-known multicast address to discover and communicate with DHCP servers or relay agents on its link.

[RFC4862] specifies procedures by which a node may autoconfigure addresses based on Router Advertisements [RFC4861] and the use of a valid lifetime to support renumbering of addresses on the Internet. Compatibility with stateless address autoconfiguration is a design requirement of DHCP.

IPv6 Neighbor Discovery [RFC4861] is the node discovery protocol in IPv6 that replaces and enhances functions of ARP [RFC826]. To understand IPv6 and stateless address autoconfiguration, it is strongly recommended that implementers understand IPv6 Neighbor Discovery.

Sphinxes0o0 commented 10 months ago

[RFC4291] ("IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture")

  1. ipv6 地址的表现
  2. ipv6 地址的划分
  3. ipv6 特殊地址
  4. ipv6 地址作用域
Sphinxes0o0 commented 9 months ago

TBC: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4861#autoid-45


Sphinxes0o0 commented 9 months ago


Sphinxes0o0 commented 7 months ago

Basic IPV6 knowledge sharing was done. AutoIP.pptx