SpiNNakerManchester / SpiNNFrontEndCommon

Common support code for user-facing front end systems.
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Python 3.13 minor typing clash #1198

Open Christian-B opened 4 months ago

Christian-B commented 4 months ago

See below: scipy now supports 3.13 so the blocker is a minor typing issue.

ref: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/16308 """ you need to have openblas installed if you want to build scipy from source, which is what your log indicates. Which makes sense: scipy 1.14.0 on pypi, understanable, does not have python 3.13 wheels. So you'll need to either build scipy from source (which requires openblas etc) or use nightlies from https://anaconda.org/scientific-python-nightly-wheels/scipy/files (usual caveates about nightly builds apply) """

Christian-B commented 4 months ago

I do not see supporting pre release 3.13 important enough to try to build scipy from source. Making this for a later release

EwoutH commented 4 months ago

Tomorrow the Python 3.13 release candidate will be released, which makes 3.13 ABI stable and allows (and encourages) wheels to be uploaded to PyPI.

Christian-B commented 3 months ago

Scipy now supports Python 3.13 (and probably has since July 30)

There is a small Typing clash.

spinn_front_end_common/utilities/iobuf_extractor.py:19:0: E0611: No name 'Pattern' in module 'typing' (no-name-in-module)

Suggstion is to not support Python 3.13 until adapting the code for https://peps.python.org/pep-0585/