In Preparation for Spin2 this Introduces a set of Version classes defined by AbstractVersion
During sim.setup the version_factory() class will read the cfg and load a Specific Version class into the ....View.
The Version init will read any cfg setting that affect the values it returns so from this point only the Version is used to.
Provide Values that used to be Machine constants but are likely to change for Spin2
Check Width and Height and use these to create the correct Wrap Machine
Pass into the Machine a Dict of xys and the default number of cores. Mainly used for creating Virtual Machines
Machine changes included
Rreplacing local_xys and CHIPS_PER_BOARD with _chip_core_map (which it gets from Version)
Lose the max_cores methods as this is now handled by Version and its init
Have counters for cores, links and router_entries
Replace cores_and_link_output_string with summary_string
based on the counters
give more info
logs warnings it the Machine has unexpected but supported characteristics
Add the currently needed access method for the counters
Removed the creation of Machine with existing Chips (it was never used outside of Tests)
Machine_factory lost ability to create boards from size (now Version) and from Chips (unused)
If the steps to check and repair Machine change for spin2 the rest should be moved to Version
Router init is always passed the n_available_multicast_entries
board width and height moved to spinn5_triad_geometry
May need to be renamed 48_chip_triad_geometry
width and height passed into SpiNNakerTriadGeometry
in case we ever support different ones than 8
Any untitest that directly or indirectly created a Virtual Board now has to do:
set_config("Machine", "version", 5) Or set_config("Machine", "version", 3)
Alternative to if this is approved close without merging the above
In Preparation for Spin2 this Introduces a set of Version classes defined by AbstractVersion
During sim.setup the version_factory() class will read the cfg and load a Specific Version class into the ....View.
The Version init will read any cfg setting that affect the values it returns so from this point only the Version is used to.
Machine changes included
Machine_factory lost ability to create boards from size (now Version) and from Chips (unused) If the steps to check and repair Machine change for spin2 the rest should be moved to Version
Router init is always passed the n_available_multicast_entries
board width and height moved to spinn5_triad_geometry
Any untitest that directly or indirectly created a Virtual Board now has to do: set_config("Machine", "version", 5) Or set_config("Machine", "version", 3)
Must be done at the same time as:
Tested by: