move a function that creates and sends a sdp_message to the Transceiver
The only remaining external method that creates an sdp_message and uses the Transceiver to send it.
which is interesting as every other time that code uses its own connection to send the sdp message
coverage: 50.172% (-0.01%) from 50.183% when pulling b5fd937335f1339ad3fdf38cde5bd1037aaa2f0a on send_chip_update_provenance_and_exit into 3664f2d962173e131467d37be3cb6fb51b6f2be1 on master.
move a function that creates and sends a sdp_message to the Transceiver
The only remaining external method that creates an sdp_message and uses the Transceiver to send it. is: DataSpeedUpPacketGatherMachineVertex._determine_and_retransmit_missing_seq_nums which is interesting as every other time that code uses its own connection to send the sdp message
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