SpiNNakerManchester / sPyNNaker

The SpiNNaker implementation of the PyNN neural networking language
Apache License 2.0
105 stars 44 forks source link

Processors RTE claiming attempt to configure nonexistent plastic synapses #107

Closed AlexRast closed 9 years ago

AlexRast commented 9 years ago

Another new problem with the well-known visual attention network. In the latest version of the toolchain, if you try and run this script, various processors run-time-error. An iobuf in ybug reveals many messages of the form "...there should be no plastic synapses!...". The problem happens every time you try to run the script. Note that in the failing run plasticity_on is set to False so there should be no plastic synapses instantiated.

Quick fix needed; we will need this network for a workshop in Sestri Levante at the end of July - absolute last date to fix 18 July.

Script below, not including all the auxiliary files (but most in the core dev team will already have these support files anyway)


Visual selection model
Francesco Galluppi, Kevin Brohan


Modified 2013 ADR. WTA sharpened (bug-fixed?), added plasticity (optional)
between V2 and V4, added PFC preferred and aversive stimulus capability
with tunable parameters


Scaling module added January 2014 ADR to auto-scale dependent network parameters
with the size of the input field.


Enhanced June 2014 ADR. Modified Gaussian creation to permit specification of
gains and eccentricities in the Gaussian filter (also available for Gabor filtering).
Tuned weights, gain, eccentricity for sample visual input.
Added optional features that:

1) Allow the PFC to provide bipolar (excitatory/inhibitory) reinforcement
2) Implement top-down feedback as per Bernabe Linares-Barranco's suggestions
3) Add additional PFC priming to V1 layer
4) Provide a new output module for better visualisation of LIP output


FEF style PFC added September 2014 ADR. The "active_pfc" option instantiates a
module which makes PFC output dependent upon V2 activity, modelling the FEF
in biology.


This is the scalable PyNN only version of the model and is designed to
work with real input from iCub cameras using Yarp for comms


   import site

import sys
import itertools
import visual_network_scaling
import visual_metrics

import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cmap
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

from gaussiancreatejose import *
from vector_topographic_activity_plot import * #mapped_boxplot
from spike_file_to_spike_array import * #convert_file_to_spikes

#from pyNN.brian import *               # use if running brian
from pyNN.random import *               # add support for RNG from native PyNN
from pyNN.spiNNaker import *      # Imports the pyNN.spiNNaker module
#from pyNN.random import NumpyRNG, RandomDistribution  
from pyNN.utility import Timer

from operator import itemgetter

time_step = 1.0

# Simulation Setup
setup(timestep=time_step, min_delay = 1.0, max_delay = 11.0, db_name='vis_attn_iCub.sqlite')            

layer_to_observe = 'lip'
lip_map_on = True
plasticity_on = False
feedback_on = True
aversive_inhibitory = True
top_down_priming = False
metrics_on = True
vector_plot = True
active_pfc = True
output_to_file = True

preferred_orientation = 0   # ADR added preferred and aversive orientations. These 
aversive_orientation = 2   # will be used to set biassing in LIP
base_num_neurons = 32 #128
weight_prescale_factor = 1  # prescales weights and capacitances to account for system limits

input_file_type = 1 # Input from: 1 - a simple list of ids; 0 - full list of spikes and times
metrics_with_input = 0 # Get metrics from 1 - the input file; 0 - a separate file
input_run_number = 3 # run number for input files arranged by run

if input_file_type:
   InputFilePol1 = 'spikes_in_%dx%d' % (tuple([base_num_neurons]*2))
   InputFilePol1 = 'run%d_%dx%d_pol1.dat' % (tuple([input_run_number]+[base_num_neurons]*2))
   InputFilePol2 = 'run%d_%dx%d_pol2.dat' % (tuple([input_run_number]+[base_num_neurons]*2))
if metrics_with_input:
   MetricFile = InputFilePol1
   MetricFile = 'object_annots_%dx%d' % (tuple([base_num_neurons]*2))
#neuronSim = True
# loopT = True

scale = visual_network_scaling.scale_factor(dimensions=2, dim_sizes=None, base_dim_size=base_num_neurons, subsample_factor_i_1=1.6, subsample_factor_1_2=1.0, subsample_factor_2_4=2.0, subsample_factor_4_L=1.0, subsample_factor_4_P=1.0, base_filter_size=5.0, sweep_filter=False, filter_scale=(1,1,1), xy_kernel_quant_cutoff=(0,0), base_v2_subfield_size=2, sweep_subfield=False, subfield_scale=(1,1,1), active_P=active_pfc)
scale.setindex(f_idx=0, s_idx=0) # base_filter_size=5.0

# Create some arrays for neuron ID to x-y coord mappings
# for doing nice 2D plotting
# Normally I'd do this with PyNN spatial structure functionality
# but not sure if it's available in PyNN.SpiNNaker

input_x_array = numpy.zeros((int(scale.input_size[0]*scale.input_size[1])),int)
input_y_array = numpy.zeros((int(scale.input_size[0]*scale.input_size[1])),int)

startx = 0
starty = 0

for nrn in xrange(scale.input_size[0]*scale.input_size[1]):
   input_x_array[nrn] = startx
   input_y_array[nrn] = starty
   if startx == (scale.input_size[0] - 1):
       startx = 0
       starty = starty + 1
       startx = startx + 1

lip_x_array = numpy.zeros((int(scale.lip_pop_size[0]*scale.lip_pop_size[1])),int)
lip_y_array = numpy.zeros((int(scale.lip_pop_size[0]*scale.lip_pop_size[1])),int)

startx = 0
starty = 0

for nrn in xrange(scale.lip_pop_size[0]*scale.lip_pop_size[1]):
   lip_x_array[nrn] = startx
   lip_y_array[nrn] = starty
   if startx == (scale.lip_pop_size[0] - 1):
       startx = 0
       starty = starty + 1
       startx = startx + 1

#PARAMETERS gaussian
scales=2                # scales
orientations=4          # orientations 
#sizeg1=5.0             # size of the gaussian filter

#size_k1 = 5            # x-Size kernel (connections)
#size_k2 = 5            # y-Size kernel (connections)
#jump = 1               # overlapping 
delays = 1.0            # connection delays
v2_v4_delays = 2*delays if active_pfc else delays


feedback_weight_scaling = 0.81 #1.25 #0.9
input_gain = 1.0 #0.8 #0.5 #1.0 #0.4                     # steepness of the Gaussian input filter. This varies parametrically with scales. Generally the more scales, the shallower, 
gaussian_eccentricity = 5.5 #4.6 #4.0 #8.0 # 2.25        # ratio of major/minor axis for the input filter. This varies parametrically with orientations. Generally the more orientations, the more eccentric
input_strength = 2.25*weight_prescale_factor #2.25 #1.86 #4 #7 #4.1 #2.25 #24 #15 #9 #24 #20         # spinn is 20   # drive strength of the input->gaussian filters
v1_v2_weights = 8*weight_prescale_factor #8 #15 #10.75 #15 #12 #15         # spinn is 15   # weights between v1 and v2 orientation maps (one2one connectors)
wta_v2 = True                          # do the gaussian filter maps in v2 inhibit each other?
wta_between_v2_weight = -1.85*weight_prescale_factor #-1 # spinn is -1   # inhibition weight between several orientations in v2 
wta_within_v2_weight = -0.6*weight_prescale_factor #0.2 #-0.155 #-1  # spinn is -1   # inhibition weight within a single orientation in v2 
weights_v4_lip = 22*weight_prescale_factor #22 #35 #25 #5         # spinn is 3
wta_lip_weight = -7*weight_prescale_factor #-20 #-10       # spinn is -7   # competition in LIP
pfc_v1_weights = 0.0725*weight_prescale_factor # pfc->v1 competition biasing weights. Used if top-down priming is on.
pfc_v4_weights = 7.25*weight_prescale_factor if active_pfc else 0.0725*weight_prescale_factor #0.0915 #0.6 #.6  # spinn is 0.1  # pfc->v4 competition biasing weights
v2_pfc_weights = 48*weight_prescale_factor # base weight value for v1-pfc connections when using active PFC
wta_bias = 1.3 #1.3 #1.5             # spinn is 1.3  # sets the relative strength of the other- (heterosynaptic) vs self- (homosynaptic) inhibitory connections for WTA
wta_IOR_delay = 1           # scales the delay for IOR (self-inhibition)

# set weight values for the critical V2->V4 connection. History of parameters:
#3 AP 2.25 #4.5 FB #5.5 !FB #3 #6.79 #2.5 #2.9 #2.3 #7 # spinn is 3 
if plasticity_on:
   weights_v2_v4 = 5*weight_prescale_factor
elif active_pfc:
   if feedback_on:
      weights_v2_v4 = 3*weight_prescale_factor
      weights_v2_v4 = 3*weight_prescale_factor
   if feedback_on:
      weights_v2_v4 = 4.5*weight_prescale_factor
      weights_v2_v4 = 5.5*weight_prescale_factor 

# random objects and initialisations
rng = NumpyRNG(seed=28374)
v_init_distr = RandomDistribution('uniform', [-55,-95], rng)
v_rest_distr = RandomDistribution('uniform', [-55,-65], rng)

# Neural Parameters
tau_m    = 24.0    # (ms)
cm       = 1
v_rest   = -65      # (mV)
v_thresh = -45      # (mV)
v_reset  = -65      # (mV)
t_refrac = 3.       # (ms) (clamped at v_reset)
tau_syn_exc = 3
tau_syn_inh = tau_syn_exc*3
i_offset = 0

i_bias_pref = 0.825 if active_pfc else 1.0  #3.0 #4.0          # spinn is 4.0  # strong stimulation; should cause persistent spiking ADR
i_bias_avert = 0.7 if active_pfc else 0.6 # 0.8 #0.0         # spinn is 0.0  # mild stimulation to non-aversive orientations; 
                                                                             # biasses away from the  aversive group. ADR
i_bias_neut = 0.5 if active_pfc else 0.5 #0.0               # spinn is 0.0  # very mild stimulation; 
                                                                             # should just keep a population in random spiking ADR

if plasticity_on: # set plasticity between v2 and v4, if desired
   # sets symmetric window, biassed slightly towards inhibition,
   # maximum weight is the must-fire weight
   stdp_model = STDPMechanism(
                timing_dependence = SpikePairRule(tau_plus = 30.0, tau_minus = 30.0),
                weight_dependence = AdditiveWeightDependence(w_min = 0, w_max = 20, A_plus=0.005, A_minus = 0.006) # A_plus=0.5, A_minus=0.6

runtime = 100
#runtime = 500
#runtime = 120000
#runtime =  1000000
metric_window = 100
metric_start_offset = 0
metric_t_start = 0
metric_t_stop = runtime

timer = Timer()

# cell_params will be passed to the constructor of the Population Object

cell_params = {
    'tau_m'      : tau_m,    'cm'         : cm,    
    'v_rest'     : v_rest,   'v_reset'    : v_reset,  'v_thresh'   : v_thresh,
    'tau_syn_E'       : tau_syn_exc,        'tau_syn_I'       : tau_syn_inh, 'tau_refrac'       : t_refrac, 'i_offset' : i_offset

print "%g - Creating input population: %d x %d" % (timer.elapsedTime(), scale.input_size[0], scale.input_size[1])
if input_file_type:
   input_file = open(InputFilePol1, 'r')
   input_spike_list = eval(input_file.readline())
   data_input_1 = convert_spike_list_to_timed_spikes(spike_list=input_spike_list, min_idx=0, max_idx=scale.input_size[0]*scale.input_size[1], tmin=0, tmax=runtime, tstep=int(time_step))
   data_input_1 = convert_file_to_spikes(input_file_name=InputFilePol1, min_idx=0, max_idx=scale.input_size[0]*scale.input_size[1], tmin=0, tmax=runtime)
data_input_1 = subsample_spikes_by_time(data_input_1, 0, 100, 6)
data_input_1 = random_skew_times(data_input_1, 3)
data_input_1 = [data_input_1[neuron] if neuron in data_input_1 else [] for neuron in range(scale.input_size[0]*scale.input_size[1])]
input_pol_1 = Population(scale.input_size[0]*scale.input_size[1],         # size 
              SpikeSourceArray,   # Neuron Type
              {'spike_times': data_input_1},   # Neuron Parameters
              label="input_pol_1") # Label
if layer_to_observe == 'input_pol_1' or layer_to_observe == 'all':
   print "%g - observing input (positive polarity)" % timer.elapsedTime()    
   #input_pol_1.set_mapping_constraint({'x':0, 'y':0})
   input_pol_1.record() # ('spikes', to_file=False) 

if input_file_type:
   data_input_2 = convert_spike_list_to_timed_spikes(spike_list=input_spike_list, min_idx=0, max_idx=scale.input_size[0]*scale.input_size[1], tmin=int(time_step), tmax=runtime, tstep=int(time_step))
   data_input_2 = convert_file_to_spikes(input_file_name=InputFilePol2, min_idx=0, max_idx=scale.input_size[0]*scale.input_size[1], tmin=0, tmax=runtime)
data_input_2 = subsample_spikes_by_time(data_input_2, 0, 100, 6)
data_input_2 = random_skew_times(data_input_2, 3)
data_input_2 = [data_input_2[neuron] if neuron in data_input_2 else [] for neuron in range(scale.input_size[0]*scale.input_size[1])]
input_pol_2 = Population(scale.input_size[0]*scale.input_size[1],         # size 
              SpikeSourceArray,   # Neuron Type
              {'spike_times': data_input_2},   # Neuron Parameters
              label="input_pol_2") # Label
if layer_to_observe == 'input_pol_2' or layer_to_observe == 'all':
   print "%g - observing input (negative polarity)" % timer.elapsedTime()    
   #input_pol_2.set_mapping_constraint({'x':0, 'y':0})
   input_pol_2.record() # ('spikes', to_file=False) 

# population and projection containers
v1_pop = []
v2_pop = []
v4_pop = []
pfc = []
projections = []

print "%g - Creating v1 populations" % timer.elapsedTime()

for i in range(orientations):           # Cycles orientations
    # creates a population for each connection
    v1_pop.append(Population(scale.v1_pop_size[0]*scale.v1_pop_size[1],         # size 
                  IF_curr_exp,   # Neuron Type
                  cell_params,   # Neuron Parameters
                  label="v1_%d" % i)) # Label)    
    if layer_to_observe == 'v1' or layer_to_observe == 'all':
        print "%g - observing v1" % timer.elapsedTime()
        #if layer_to_observe == 'v1':    v1_pop[i].set_mapping_constraint({'x':0, 'y':0})
        v1_pop[i].record() # ('spikes', to_file=False)       

print "%g - Creating v2 populations" % timer.elapsedTime()

for i in range(orientations):           # Cycles orientations
    # creates a population for each connection
    v2_pop.append(Population(scale.v2_pop_size[0]*scale.v2_pop_size[1],         # size 
                  IF_curr_exp,   # Neuron Type
                  cell_params,   # Neuron Parameters
                  label="v2_%d" % i)) # Label)      
    if layer_to_observe == 'v2' or layer_to_observe == 'all':
        print "%g - observing v2" % timer.elapsedTime()    
        #if layer_to_observe == 'v2':    v2_pop[i].set_mapping_constraint({'x':0, 'y':0})
        v2_pop[i].record() # ('spikes', to_file=False)   

print "%g - Creating v4 populations" % timer.elapsedTime()

for i in range(orientations):           # Cycles orientations
    # creates a population for each connection
    v4_pop.append(Population(scale.v4_pop_size[0]*scale.v4_pop_size[1],         # size 
              IF_curr_exp,   # Neuron Type
          cell_params,   # Neuron Parameters
          label="v4_%d" % i)) # Label)      
    if layer_to_observe == 'v4' or layer_to_observe == 'all':                     
        print "%g - observing v4" % timer.elapsedTime()    
        #if layer_to_observe == 'v4':    v4_pop[i].set_mapping_constraint({'x':0, 'y':1})
        v4_pop[i].record() # ('spikes', to_file=False)     

print "%g - Creating PFC population" % timer.elapsedTime()

for i in range(orientations):           # Cycles orientations
    pfc.append(Population(scale.pfc_pop_size[0]*scale.pfc_pop_size[1],         # size 
           IF_curr_exp,   # Neuron Type
           cell_params,   # Neuron Parameters
           label="pfc_%d" % i))
    pfc[i].randomInit(v_init_distr) # this was commented in SA's version
    # set biasses to hardwire preference ADR
    if i == preferred_orientation:
       pfc[i].set('i_offset', i_bias_pref)
    elif i == aversive_orientation:
       pfc[i].set('i_offset', i_bias_avert)
       pfc[i].set('i_offset', i_bias_neut)
    if active_pfc == False:
       v_rest_or = []
       for j in range(pfc[i].size):
       pfc[i].set('v_rest', v_rest_or)
       #pfc[i].tset('v_rest', numpy.array(v_rest_or))

    if layer_to_observe == 'pfc' or layer_to_observe == 'all':                     
        print "%g - observing pfc" % timer.elapsedTime()    
        #pfc[i].set_mapping_constraint({'x':0, 'y':1})
        pfc[i].record() # ('spikes', to_file=False)  

print "%g - Creating LIP population" % timer.elapsedTime()
lip = Population(scale.lip_pop_size[0]*scale.lip_pop_size[1],         # size 
             IF_curr_exp,   # Neuron Type
             cell_params,   # Neuron Parameters
if layer_to_observe == 'lip' or layer_to_observe == 'all':                     
    print "%g - observing lip" % timer.elapsedTime()
    #lip_placement = PlacerChipAndCoreConstraint(x=0, y=0)
    #lip.set_mapping_constraint({'x':0, 'y':0}) # , 'p':15}
    lip.record() # ('spikes', to_file=False) 

print "%g - Creating gaussian Filters connections: scale=%d orientation=%d size=%f" % (timer.elapsedTime(), scales, orientations, scale.filter_scale)

projections = []     # Connection Handler
gaussian_filters = TunedGaussianConnectorList(scales, orientations, scale.filter_scale, input_gain, gaussian_eccentricity)

for i in range(orientations):
    # creates connections lists for different orientations, implementing a 
    # convolutional network with different gaussian orientation filters (single scale)
    conn_list = Filter2DConnector_jose(scale.input_size[0], scale.input_size[1], 
                               scale.v1_pop_size[0], scale.v1_pop_size[1], 
                               scale.x_kernel, scale.y_kernel, 
                               scale.jump[0], delays, 
    #conn_list_pairs = [(conn[0], conn[1]) for conn in conn_list]
    #conn_list_file=open('input_v1_connections.txt', 'w')
    #conn_list_file.write('input->v1 connections: %s\n' % conn_list_pairs)
    projections.append(Projection(input_pol_1, v1_pop[i], 
    FromListConnector(conn_list), label='input[p0]->v1_pop_%d' % (i)))
    projections.append(Projection(input_pol_2, v1_pop[i], 
    FromListConnector(conn_list), label='input[p1]->v1_pop_%d' % (i)))
    SortedConnections = sorted(conn_list, key=lambda x: x[1])
    ConnectionsByDestination = itertools.groupby(SortedConnections, key=lambda x: x[1])
    numDestinations = 0
    numLinks = 0
    ConnectionsFile = open('Conn_Stats_InV1_%d' % i, 'w')
    for key in ConnectionsByDestination:
        sources = [conn[0] for conn in key[1]]
        ConnectionsFile.write('j: %i fanin: %i, sources: %s\n' % (key[0], len(sources), sources))
        numDestinations += 1
        numLinks += len(sources)
    ConnectionsFile.write('Total projection size %i, Mean fan-in per neuron %f\n' % (numLinks, float(numLinks)/float(numDestinations)))

if active_pfc == True:
   print "%g - Creating v2->pfc connections" % timer.elapsedTime()
   pfc_filters = TunedGaussianConnectorList(1, 1, scale.pfc_filter_scale[0], scale.pfc_filter_gain, scale.pfc_eccentricities[0])
   pfc_filter_conn_list = Filter2DConnector_jose(scale.v2_pop_size[0], scale.v2_pop_size[1], 
                               scale.pfc_pop_size[0], scale.pfc_pop_size[1], 
                               int(math.floor(scale.pfc_filter_scale[0])), int(math.floor(scale.pfc_filter_scale[1])), 
                               scale.pfc_jumps[0], delays, 
   for i in range(orientations):
       projections.append(Projection(v2_pop[i], pfc[i], FromListConnector(pfc_filter_conn_list), label='v2_pop%d->pfc_%d' % (i,i)))   

print "%g - Creating v1->v2 connections" % timer.elapsedTime()

for i in range(orientations):
    projections.append(Projection(v1_pop[i], v2_pop[i], OneToOneConnector(weights=v1_v2_weights, delays=delays), label='v1->v2(pop_%d)' % (i)))
    if feedback_on:
       projections.append(Projection(v2_pop[i], v1_pop[i], OneToOneConnector(weights=v1_v2_weights*feedback_weight_scaling, delays=delays), label='v2->v1(pop%d)' % (i)))

if(wta_v2 == True):
    print "%g - Creating Lateral inhibition for the v2 populations" % timer.elapsedTime()
    for i in range(orientations):           # Cycles orientations
    for j in range(orientations):           # Cycles orientations
        if (i!=j):                      # Avoid self connections
        # Creates lateral inhibition between the v2 populations
        print "%g - v2[%d]->v2[%d] lateral inhibition" % (timer.elapsedTime(), i, j)
            wta_between_list =  ProximityConnector(scale.v2_pop_size[0], scale.v2_pop_size[1], scale.v2_subfield, 
                                                        wta_between_v2_weight, 1, allow_self_connections=True)
        projections.append(Projection(  v2_pop[i], 

print "%g - Creating within inhibition pools" % timer.elapsedTime()
for i in range(orientations):           # Cycles orientations
    wta_within_list =  ProximityConnector(scale.v2_pop_size[0], scale.v2_pop_size[1], scale.v2_subfield, 
                                            wta_within_v2_weight, 1, allow_self_connections=False)
    print "%g - v2[%d] within inhibition" % (timer.elapsedTime(), i)
    projections.append(Projection(  v2_pop[i], 

print "%g - Creating v2->v4 projections" % timer.elapsedTime()

for i in range(orientations):           # Cycles orientations
    v2_v4_conn_list =  subSamplerConnector2D(scale.v2_pop_size[0], scale.v4_pop_size[0], weights_v2_v4, v2_v4_delays)
    print "%g - v2-v4[%d] subsampling projection" % (timer.elapsedTime(), i)
    projections.append(Projection(  v2_pop[i], 
    if plasticity_on: # added ability to set plasticity ADR
       # this turns on plasticity in the last projection to be appended
       # to the list (which was just done above)
       Proj_Plasticity = SynapseDynamics(slow=stdp_model)
       #projections[-1].set('synapse_dynamics', SynapseDynamics(slow=stdp_model))
       projections[-1].synapse_dynamics = Proj_Plasticity
       #projections[-1].plasticity_id = Proj_Plasticity.id
    if feedback_on: # feedback adds top-down biassing of preferred/active stimuli
       v4_v2_conn_list =  overSamplerConnector2D(scale.v4_pop_size[0], scale.v2_pop_size[0], weights_v2_v4*feedback_weight_scaling, v2_v4_delays) # overSamplerConnector remaps the downscaled connections to their original sources
       projections.append(Projection(  v4_pop[i], 
       #v4_v1_conn_list =  overSamplerConnector2D(scale.v4_pop_size[0], scale.v1_pop_size[0], feedback_weight_scaling, 1) # overSamplerConnector remaps the downscaled connections to their original sources
       #projections.append(Projection(  v4_pop[i], 
       #                                v1_pop[i], 
        #                               FromListConnector(v4_v2_conn_list), 
         #                              target='excitatory'))                       

print "%g - Creating v4->lip projections" % timer.elapsedTime()
for i in range(orientations):           # Cycles orientations
    projections.append(Projection(  v4_pop[i], 
                            OneToOneConnector(weights=weights_v4_lip, delays=delays), 

print "%g - Creating LIP WTA" % timer.elapsedTime()
#projections.append(Projection(  lip, 
#                       lip, 
#                       OneToOneConnector(weights=wta_lip_weight, delays=delays), 
#                       target='inhibitory'))

# ADR added WTA connections to neighbouring neurons. Original version had only the
# self connection, which looks wrong (would be an "inverse WTA")
#projections.append(Projection(  lip, 
#                       lip, 
#                       AllToAllConnector(weights=wta_lip_weight*wta_bias, delays=delays, allow_self_connections=False),  
#                       target='inhibitory'))

# Temporary workaround for PACMAN103 builds a FromListConnector until such time as allow_self_connections
# option is properly supported
lip_WTA_conn_list = [(i, j, wta_lip_weight if i == j else wta_lip_weight*wta_bias, 1) for i in range(scale.lip_pop_size[0]*scale.lip_pop_size[1]) for j in range(scale.lip_pop_size[0]*scale.lip_pop_size[1])]
#conn_list_pairs = [(conn[0], conn[1], conn[2]) for conn in lip_WTA_conn_list]
#conn_list_file=open('lip_lip_connections.txt', 'w')
#conn_list_file.write('lip->lip connections: %s\n' % conn_list_pairs)
projections.append(Projection(  lip, 

print "%g - Creating pfc->v4 projections" % timer.elapsedTime()
for i in range(orientations):           # Cycles orientations
    if i == aversive_orientation:       # aversive orientation connectivity projects to other orientations ADR
       if aversive_inhibitory:
          if active_pfc:
             projections.append(Projection(  pfc[i], 
                                             OneToOneConnector(weights=-pfc_v4_weights, delays=delays), 
             projections.append(Projection(  pfc[i], 
                                             AllToAllConnector(weights=-pfc_v4_weights, delays=delays), 
          if top_down_priming:
             projections.append(Projection(  pfc[i],
                                             AllToAllConnector(weights=-pfc_v1_weights, delays=delays),
          for j in [orientation for orientation in range(orientations) if orientation != i]:
              if active_pfc:
                 projections.append(Projection(  pfc[i], 
                                                 OneToOneConnector(weights=pfc_v4_weights, delays=delays), 
                 projections.append(Projection(  pfc[i], 
                                                 AllToAllConnector(weights=pfc_v4_weights, delays=delays), 
              if top_down_priming:
                 projections.append(Projection(  pfc[i],
                                                 AllToAllConnector(weights=pfc_v1_weights, delays=delays),
       if active_pfc:
          projections.append(Projection(  pfc[i], 
                                          OneToOneConnector(weights=pfc_v4_weights, delays=delays), 
          projections.append(Projection(  pfc[i], 
                                          AllToAllConnector(weights=pfc_v4_weights, delays=delays), 
       if top_down_priming:
          projections.append(Projection(  pfc[i],
                                          AllToAllConnector(weights=pfc_v1_weights, delays=delays),

lip.set('tau_syn_E', 20)
#pfc[3].set('i_offset', 1)
#pfc[3].set('tau_refrac', 50)

setup_time = timer.elapsedTime()

# Run the model

run(runtime)    # Simulation time

run_time = timer.elapsedTime()

if output_to_file:
   output_file = open("./VA_runs_IEEE.txt", "a+")
   output_file.write("NETWORK PARAMETERS:\n")
   output_file.write("Input file name: %s\n" % InputFilePol1)
   output_file.write("Network base input size: %d\n" % base_num_neurons)
   output_file.write("Feedback on? %s\n" % feedback_on)
   output_file.write("FEF PFC? %s\n" % active_pfc)
   output_file.write("Learning on? %s\n" % plasticity_on)
   output_file.write("Preferred orientation: %d\n" % preferred_orientation)
   output_file.write("Aversive orientation: %d\n" % aversive_orientation)
   output_file.write("WV2->V4_init: %f\n" % weights_v2_v4)
   output_file.write("Setup time: %f s\n" % setup_time)
   print type(run_time)
   print type(setup_time)
   print type(runtime)
   output_file.write("Load time: %f s \n" % (run_time-setup_time-(runtime/1000.0)))
   output_file.write("Run time: %f s \n" % (runtime/1000.0))   
   print "Setup time", setup_time
   print "Load time", (run_time - setup_time - runtime/1000.0)
   print "Run time", (runtime/1000.0)

# get spikes and plot

# For layers with sub-populations (V1, V2, PFC, V4)

print "V1 size is", scale.v1_pop_size[0], 'x', scale.v1_pop_size[1]

for i in xrange(orientations):
    V1_spikes = v1_pop[i].getSpikes(gather=True, compatible_output=True)
    print "V1, orientation", i, len(V1_spikes)
print "V2 size is", scale.v2_pop_size[0], 'x', scale.v2_pop_size[1]
for i in xrange(orientations):
    V2_spikes = v2_pop[i].getSpikes(gather=True, compatible_output=True)
    print "V2, orientation", i, len(V2_spikes), v2_pop[i].meanSpikeCount(gather=True)
print "PFC size is", scale.pfc_pop_size[0], 'x', scale.pfc_pop_size[1]
for i in xrange(orientations):
    PFC_spikes = pfc[i].getSpikes(gather=True, compatible_output=True)
    print "PFC, orientation", i, len(PFC_spikes)
print "V4 size is", scale.v4_pop_size[0], 'x', scale.v4_pop_size[1]
for i in xrange(orientations):
    V4_spikes = v4_pop[i].getSpikes(gather=True, compatible_output=True)
    print "V4, orientation", i, len(V4_spikes), v4_pop[i].meanSpikeCount(gather=True)
if layer_to_observe == 'input_pol_1':
   data = numpy.asarray(input_pol_1.getSpikes())
  # data[:,0] = data[(all_rows, column_0)]
   plt.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1], color='green', s=4) # s=1
elif layer_to_observe == 'input_pol_2':
   data = numpy.asarray(input_pol_2.getSpikes())
   plt.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1], color='green', s=4) # s=1
if layer_to_observe == 'v1':
   data_vector = []
   for i in range(len(v1_pop)):
       data = numpy.asarray(v1_pop[i].getSpikes())
       if vector_plot:
          if len(data) > 0:
             plt.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1] + id_accumulator, color='green', s=4) # s=1
          id_accumulator = id_accumulator + v1_pop[i].size
   if vector_plot:
      mapped_arrowplot(data_vector, x_dim=scale.v1_pop_size[0], y_dim=scale.v1_pop_size[1], t_max=runtime)
elif layer_to_observe == 'v2':
   data_vector = []
   for i in range(len(v2_pop)):
       data = numpy.asarray(v2_pop[i].getSpikes())
       if vector_plot:
          if len(data) > 0:
             plt.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1] + id_accumulator, color='green', s=4) # s=1
          id_accumulator = id_accumulator + v2_pop[i].size
   if vector_plot:
      mapped_arrowplot(data_vector, x_dim=scale.v2_pop_size[0], y_dim=scale.v2_pop_size[1], t_max=runtime)
elif layer_to_observe == 'v4':
   data_vector = []
   for i in range(len(v4_pop)):
       data = numpy.asarray(v4_pop[i].getSpikes())
       if vector_plot:
          if len(data) > 0:
             plt.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1] + id_accumulator, color='green', s=4) # s=1
          id_accumulator = id_accumulator + v4_pop[i].size
   if vector_plot:
      mapped_arrowplot(data_vector, x_dim=scale.v4_pop_size[0], y_dim=scale.v4_pop_size[1], t_max=runtime)
elif layer_to_observe == 'pfc':
   data_vector = []
   for i in range(len(pfc)):
       data = numpy.asarray(pfc[i].getSpikes())
       if vector_plot:
          if len(data) > 0:
             plt.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1] + id_accumulator, color='green', s=4) # s=1
          id_accumulator = id_accumulator + pfc[i].size
   if vector_plot:
      mapped_arrowplot(data_vector, x_dim=scale.pfc_pop_size[0], y_dim=scale.pfc_pop_size[1], t_max=runtime)

if layer_to_observe == 'lip' or layer_to_observe == 'all':
   # make a 2D array for plotting (lip)

    print "LIP size is", scale.lip_pop_size[0], 'x', scale.lip_pop_size[1]

    lip_array = numpy.zeros((int(scale.lip_pop_size[0]),int(scale.lip_pop_size[1])),float)

    # Analysis and plotting of LIP spikes

    lip_spikes = lip.getSpikes()

    lip_counts = numpy.zeros((int(scale.lip_pop_size[0])*int(scale.lip_pop_size[1])),int)

    lip_id = []
    lip_times = []
    xvals_lip = []
    yvals_lip = []

    # Do a plot of all spikes
    for sp in lip_spikes:
        lip_counts[sp[1]] +=1
        xpos = lip_x_array[sp[1]]
        ypos = lip_y_array[sp[1]]

    print lip_counts

    lip_total = sum(lip_counts)

    print "Total activity", lip_total

    # Get the coordinates of the most active area
    # and do a coarse mapping up to input resolution
    activeLip = numpy.argmax(lip_counts)
    lip_mag = round(float(scale.input_size[0])/float(scale.lip_pop_size[0])) 
    print activeLip, lip_counts[activeLip], lip_x_array[activeLip],lip_y_array[activeLip],lip_x_array[activeLip]*lip_mag, lip_y_array[activeLip]*lip_mag

    x_attend = double(lip_x_array[activeLip]*lip_mag)
    y_attend = double(lip_y_array[activeLip]*lip_mag)
    print "Salient position in Input Space", x_attend, y_attend

    max_activation = float(lip_counts[activeLip])/float(lip_total)

    print "Max Activation", max_activation

    if lip_map_on:
       data = numpy.asarray(lip_spikes)
       mapped_boxplot(data=data, x_dim=scale.lip_pop_size[0], y_dim=scale.lip_pop_size[1], t_max=runtime, tau=16)

       # Plotting of LIP saliency map

       # Calculate LIP map

       for nrn in xrange(scale.lip_pop_size[0]*scale.lip_pop_size[1]):
           xpos = lip_x_array[nrn]
           ypos = lip_y_array[nrn]
           lip_array[xpos,ypos] = float(lip_counts[nrn])/float(lip_total)
           #print nrn, xpos,ypos, float(lip_counts[nrn])/float(lip_total)

       print lip_array

       # make a custom colormap for plotting

       colormap = numpy.array([(0.0,0.0,0.0),

       ColMap = ListedColormap(colormap, name='attncolmap')


       x = numpy.arange(0,scale.lip_pop_size[0]+1)
       y = numpy.arange(0,scale.lip_pop_size[1]+1)
       X,Y = numpy.meshgrid(x,y)

       plt.pcolor(X, Y, lip_array, shading='faceted', cmap=ColMap, vmin=0.0, vmax=max_activation)
       plt.title("LIP map")

       plt.title("LIP spikes")

    if metrics_on:
       met_data = numpy.asarray(lip_spikes)
       actual_objs = visual_metrics.get_annotations(input_file_name=MetricFile)
       rescaled_objs = visual_metrics.scale_annotations(annotations=actual_objs, scale_x=1/(1.6*2.0), scale_y=1/(1.6*2.0))
       biassed_objs = visual_metrics.bias_annotations(annotations=rescaled_objs, preferred=preferred_orientation, aversive=aversive_orientation)
       performance = visual_metrics.attn_performance_monitor(data=met_data, objects=biassed_objs, y_dim=scale.pfc_pop_size[1], t_window=metric_window, t_w_offset=metric_start_offset, t_start=metric_t_start, t_stop=metric_t_stop)
       if output_to_file:
          output_file.write("Metric time window: %d ms\n" % metric_window) 
          output_file.write("Metric window offset %d ms\n" % metric_start_offset)
          output_file.write("Start recording metrics at: %d ms\n" % metric_t_start)
          output_file.write("Stop recording metrics at: %d ms\n" % metric_t_stop)
          output_file.write("PERFORMANCE: \n")
          output_file.write("Time reference    Metric\n")
          t_ref = metric_t_start+metric_start_offset
          for t_m in performance:
              output_file.write("%d ms             %f\n" % (t_ref, t_m))
              t_ref += metric_window
          print "Computed network performance(s) for this trial: %s\n" % performance
if layer_to_observe == 'input_pol_1' or layer_to_observe == 'all':
   # make a 2D array for plotting (input)

   plotting_array = numpy.zeros((int(scale.input_size[0]),int(scale.input_size[1])),int)

   pop_1_spikes = input_pol_1.getSpikes()

   pop_1_id = []
   pop_1_times = []
   xvals_1 = []
   yvals_1 = []

   # indicate areas of input activation
   for sp in pop_1_spikes:
       xpos = input_x_array[sp[1]]
       ypos = input_y_array[sp[1]]
       plotting_array[xpos,ypos] = 3

   # indicate salient position in input space
   # calculated from LIP activity

   # plotting_array[int(x_attend),int(y_attend)] = 2

   x = numpy.arange(0,scale.input_size[0]+1)
   y = numpy.arange(0,scale.input_size[1]+1)
   X,Y = numpy.meshgrid(x,y)

   plt.pcolor(X, Y, plotting_array, shading='faceted', cmap=cmap.spectral)
   plt.title("Input pop 1")


rowleya commented 9 years ago

There are a number of files that this depends upon. Can you send me the whole thing as a zip directly?

AlexRast commented 9 years ago

You've already got it several times, but here it is again (together with some other unnecessary files, but easiest to just bung all the files in the working directory together)

On 08/07/15 10:54, Andrew Rowley wrote:

There are a number of files that this depends upon. Can you send me the whole thing as a zip directly?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker/issues/107#issuecomment-119528085.

AlexRast commented 9 years ago

Further testing. I determined that on my desktop machine (hardys) with a completely fresh manual install of the toolchain, the script ran fine. The problem has been on the (small Lenovo) laptop. So, I did a careful, verging on paranoid-obsessive, and utterly thorough cleanup of the entire install on the laptop, then reinstalled using a fresh install just as I did on hardys. Same result - simulation crashes. So we are definitely dealing with some behaviour of the toolchain that's host-machine specific (either in the compile of the application binaries or in the operation of the toolchain subsequently) Ugh.

rowleya commented 9 years ago

I have tested this with my installation and it works fine. If this is using git master, I would first suspect your gcc compiler. If you are using a version that is provided by the OS, this could be the issue. In particular, we have seen that gcc version 4.9 or above doesn’t appear to work.

I would advise that you use the pre-packaged gcc described here: https://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/spinnakermanchester.github.io/wiki/2015.004%3a-Little-Rascal-%3a-1.3-C-Development-for-SpiNNaker#DevelopmentDependencies

This has worked on every system that I have ever tried.

AlexRast commented 9 years ago

Shouldn't failure to work on more recent versions of gcc be considered a (fairly severe) bug? After all, we are designing the whole system to be able to use gcc and if newer versions break our tools, it's up to us to fix the tools - not to ask a mainstream software system to be downgraded. I very much doubt typical users, either, if using newer versions of gcc, will be happy with being asked to use a specific version.

That said, I will look at what version of gcc is installed in any case. I do have the feeling that in fact it is the one recommended in the appnote but it's worth verifying.

David, a question for you, since of all of us you seem to know the most about this - if newer versions of gcc are crashing the software in the failure mode I'm observing, I would hypothesise that this may be due to different underlying treatment of types in the newer gcc versions. Does this sound plausible or would you venture other hypotheses (that we may be able to examine)?

On 09/07/15 09:35, Andrew Rowley wrote:

I have tested this with my installation and it works fine. If this is using git master, I would first suspect your gcc compiler. If you are using a version that is provided by the OS, this could be the issue. In particular, we have seen that gcc version 4.9 or above doesn’t appear to work.

I would advise that you use the pre-packaged gcc described here: https://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/spinnakermanchester.github.io/wiki/2015.004%3a-Little-Rascal-%3a-1.3-C-Development-for-SpiNNaker#DevelopmentDependencies

This has worked on every system that I have ever tried.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker/issues/107#issuecomment-119874313.

rowleya commented 9 years ago

Since gcc release versions all the time, we can’t be expected to be up to date with every release as they are made, particularly as they tend to make older versions available as well. This is just one of many dependencies that the software relies upon, and we tend to update as and when necessary.

That said, I am happy for this to be added as a bug to keep track of it, so that we can keep up to date as much as possible. In any case, this isn’t going to be fixed by the time you need it, so I advise making sure that you are using the recommended version at this point.

From: AlexRast [mailto:notifications@github.com] Sent: 09 July 2015 15:36 To: SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker Cc: Andrew Rowley Subject: Re: [sPyNNaker] Processors RTE claiming attempt to configure nonexistent plastic synapses (#107)

Shouldn't failure to work on more recent versions of gcc be considered a (fairly severe) bug? After all, we are designing the whole system to be able to use gcc and if newer versions break our tools, it's up to us to fix the tools - not to ask a mainstream software system to be downgraded. I very much doubt typical users, either, if using newer versions of gcc, will be happy with being asked to use a specific version.

That said, I will look at what version of gcc is installed in any case. I do have the feeling that in fact it is the one recommended in the appnote but it's worth verifying.

David, a question for you, since of all of us you seem to know the most about this - if newer versions of gcc are crashing the software in the failure mode I'm observing, I would hypothesise that this may be due to different underlying treatment of types in the newer gcc versions. Does this sound plausible or would you venture other hypotheses (that we may be able to examine)?

On 09/07/15 09:35, Andrew Rowley wrote:

I have tested this with my installation and it works fine. If this is using git master, I would first suspect your gcc compiler. If you are using a version that is provided by the OS, this could be the issue. In particular, we have seen that gcc version 4.9 or above doesn’t appear to work.

I would advise that you use the pre-packaged gcc described here: https://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/spinnakermanchester.github.io/wiki/2015.004%3a-Little-Rascal-%3a-1.3-C-Development-for-SpiNNaker#DevelopmentDependencies

This has worked on every system that I have ever tried.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker/issues/107#issuecomment-119874313.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker/issues/107#issuecomment-120004951.

hopper333 commented 9 years ago

I agree with Andrew on this, new versions of gcc (and any other complier) will often contain bugs and it’s not realistic to insist that all versions are covered at all times.


Michael Hopkins, SpiNNaker project, APT group, School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL michael.hopkins@manchester.ac.ukmailto:simon.davidson@manchester.ac.uk

On 9 Jul 2015, at 16:08, Andrew Rowley notifications@github.com<mailto:notifications@github.com> wrote:

Since gcc release versions all the time, we can’t be expected to be up to date with every release as they are made, particularly as they tend to make older versions available as well. This is just one of many dependencies that the software relies upon, and we tend to update as and when necessary.

That said, I am happy for this to be added as a bug to keep track of it, so that we can keep up to date as much as possible. In any case, this isn’t going to be fixed by the time you need it, so I advise making sure that you are using the recommended version at this point.

From: AlexRast [mailto:notifications@github.com] Sent: 09 July 2015 15:36 To: SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker Cc: Andrew Rowley Subject: Re: [sPyNNaker] Processors RTE claiming attempt to configure nonexistent plastic synapses (#107)

Shouldn't failure to work on more recent versions of gcc be considered a (fairly severe) bug? After all, we are designing the whole system to be able to use gcc and if newer versions break our tools, it's up to us to fix the tools - not to ask a mainstream software system to be downgraded. I very much doubt typical users, either, if using newer versions of gcc, will be happy with being asked to use a specific version.

That said, I will look at what version of gcc is installed in any case. I do have the feeling that in fact it is the one recommended in the appnote but it's worth verifying.

David, a question for you, since of all of us you seem to know the most about this - if newer versions of gcc are crashing the software in the failure mode I'm observing, I would hypothesise that this may be due to different underlying treatment of types in the newer gcc versions. Does this sound plausible or would you venture other hypotheses (that we may be able to examine)?

On 09/07/15 09:35, Andrew Rowley wrote:

I have tested this with my installation and it works fine. If this is using git master, I would first suspect your gcc compiler. If you are using a version that is provided by the OS, this could be the issue. In particular, we have seen that gcc version 4.9 or above doesn’t appear to work.

I would advise that you use the pre-packaged gcc described here: https://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/spinnakermanchester.github.io/wiki/2015.004%3a-Little-Rascal-%3a-1.3-C-Development-for-SpiNNaker#DevelopmentDependencies

This has worked on every system that I have ever tried.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker/issues/107#issuecomment-119874313.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker/issues/107#issuecomment-120004951.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker/issues/107#issuecomment-120021904.

dr-david-lester commented 9 years ago


The 4.9.0, 4.9.1 are particularly buggy. I believe that the underlying software changes for versions 5.0.0 onwards (though I cannot recommend strongly enough avoiding any software with a final .0 in it!).


On 9 Jul 2015, at 16:32, Michael Hopkins notifications@github.com<mailto:notifications@github.com> wrote:

I agree with Andrew on this, new versions of gcc (and any other complier) will often contain bugs and it’s not realistic to insist that all versions are covered at all times.


Michael Hopkins, SpiNNaker project, APT group, School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL michael.hopkins@manchester.ac.ukmailto:michael.hopkins@manchester.ac.ukmailto:simon.davidson@manchester.ac.uk

On 9 Jul 2015, at 16:08, Andrew Rowley notifications@github.com<mailto:notifications@github.commailto:notifications@github.com> wrote:

Since gcc release versions all the time, we can’t be expected to be up to date with every release as they are made, particularly as they tend to make older versions available as well. This is just one of many dependencies that the software relies upon, and we tend to update as and when necessary.

That said, I am happy for this to be added as a bug to keep track of it, so that we can keep up to date as much as possible. In any case, this isn’t going to be fixed by the time you need it, so I advise making sure that you are using the recommended version at this point.

From: AlexRast [mailto:notifications@github.com] Sent: 09 July 2015 15:36 To: SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker Cc: Andrew Rowley Subject: Re: [sPyNNaker] Processors RTE claiming attempt to configure nonexistent plastic synapses (#107)

Shouldn't failure to work on more recent versions of gcc be considered a (fairly severe) bug? After all, we are designing the whole system to be able to use gcc and if newer versions break our tools, it's up to us to fix the tools - not to ask a mainstream software system to be downgraded. I very much doubt typical users, either, if using newer versions of gcc, will be happy with being asked to use a specific version.

That said, I will look at what version of gcc is installed in any case. I do have the feeling that in fact it is the one recommended in the appnote but it's worth verifying.

David, a question for you, since of all of us you seem to know the most about this - if newer versions of gcc are crashing the software in the failure mode I'm observing, I would hypothesise that this may be due to different underlying treatment of types in the newer gcc versions. Does this sound plausible or would you venture other hypotheses (that we may be able to examine)?

On 09/07/15 09:35, Andrew Rowley wrote:

I have tested this with my installation and it works fine. If this is using git master, I would first suspect your gcc compiler. If you are using a version that is provided by the OS, this could be the issue. In particular, we have seen that gcc version 4.9 or above doesn’t appear to work.

I would advise that you use the pre-packaged gcc described here: https://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/spinnakermanchester.github.io/wiki/2015.004%3a-Little-Rascal-%3a-1.3-C-Development-for-SpiNNaker#DevelopmentDependencies

This has worked on every system that I have ever tried.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker/issues/107#issuecomment-119874313.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker/issues/107#issuecomment-120004951.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker/issues/107#issuecomment-120021904.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker/issues/107#issuecomment-120036018.

dr-david-lester commented 9 years ago

The solution we need to move towards adopting is a configure, before make. This ensures that only permitted combinations of utilities are used.


On 9 Jul 2015, at 16:08, Andrew Rowley notifications@github.com wrote:

Since gcc release versions all the time, we can’t be expected to be up to date with every release as they are made, particularly as they tend to make older versions available as well. This is just one of many dependencies that the software relies upon, and we tend to update as and when necessary.

That said, I am happy for this to be added as a bug to keep track of it, so that we can keep up to date as much as possible. In any case, this isn’t going to be fixed by the time you need it, so I advise making sure that you are using the recommended version at this point.

rowleya commented 9 years ago

Yes, we can do a version check during the make in fact, especially if we know certain versions are not going to work. We already check that SPINN_DIRS is defined, so this is just another of these.

From: dr-david-lester [mailto:notifications@github.com] Sent: 09 July 2015 17:14 To: SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker Cc: Andrew Rowley Subject: Re: [sPyNNaker] Processors RTE claiming attempt to configure nonexistent plastic synapses (#107)

The solution we need to move towards adopting is a configure, before make. This ensures that only permitted combinations of utilities are used.


On 9 Jul 2015, at 16:08, Andrew Rowley notifications@github.com<mailto:notifications@github.com> wrote:

Since gcc release versions all the time, we can’t be expected to be up to date with every release as they are made, particularly as they tend to make older versions available as well. This is just one of many dependencies that the software relies upon, and we tend to update as and when necessary.

That said, I am happy for this to be added as a bug to keep track of it, so that we can keep up to date as much as possible. In any case, this isn’t going to be fixed by the time you need it, so I advise making sure that you are using the recommended version at this point.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker/issues/107#issuecomment-120053086.

AlexRast commented 9 years ago

That seems like a good way of solving the problem for the foreseeable future.

On 09/07/15 17:25, Andrew Rowley wrote:

Yes, we can do a version check during the make in fact, especially if we know certain versions are not going to work. We already check that SPINN_DIRS is defined, so this is just another of these.

From: dr-david-lester [mailto:notifications@github.com] Sent: 09 July 2015 17:14 To: SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker Cc: Andrew Rowley Subject: Re: [sPyNNaker] Processors RTE claiming attempt to configure nonexistent plastic synapses (#107)

The solution we need to move towards adopting is a configure, before make. This ensures that only permitted combinations of utilities are used.


On 9 Jul 2015, at 16:08, Andrew Rowley notifications@github.com<mailto:notifications@github.com> wrote:

Since gcc release versions all the time, we can’t be expected to be up to date with every release as they are made, particularly as they tend to make older versions available as well. This is just one of many dependencies that the software relies upon, and we tend to update as and when necessary.

That said, I am happy for this to be added as a bug to keep track of it, so that we can keep up to date as much as possible. In any case, this isn’t going to be fixed by the time you need it, so I advise making sure that you are using the recommended version at this point.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker/issues/107#issuecomment-120053086.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker/issues/107#issuecomment-120057825.

AlexRast commented 9 years ago

This has been determined to be a problem with the [Threading] option in spynnaker.cfg. The faulty machine had dsg_threads = 5. Successfully reproduced the bug on other machines with dsg_threads = 5. Should be investigated but for now the workaround is to set dsg_threads = 1.

AlexRast commented 9 years ago

More info: The affected file is spinnaker.py. dsg_threads is used (in theory) to set up a pool of dsg's in line 794:

thread_pool = ThreadPool(processes=no_processors)

where no_processors is the number specified in dsg_threads. Unfortunately the ThreadPool API (multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool) is undocumented. There is an open Python bug (17140) on this lack of documentation. Hence its behaviour is unclear. The bug report suggests that the ThreadPool probably behaves similarly to the (mostly documented) Pool object. Even here however there is an ambiguity. thread_pool itself is used to run apply_async (line 820):


but the documentation for apply_async is unclear. Specifically, it claims:

" apply_async(func[, args[, kwds[, callback]]])

A variant of the apply() method which returns a result object.

If callback is specified then it should be a callable which accepts a single argument. When the result becomes ready callback is applied to it (unless the call failed). callback should complete immediately since otherwise the thread which handles the results will get blocked.

" and the documentation for the apply() method claims:

" apply(func[, args[, kwds]])

Equivalent of the apply() built-in function. It blocks until the result is ready, so apply_async() is better suited for performing work in parallel. Additionally, func is only executed in one of the workers of the pool.

" Thus is func executed in one or all the workers in the pool, in the case of apply_async? The documentation is not explicit on this point and the bug report again indicates further uncertainty in any case. Recommend that this feature be disabled therefore until Python gives us clear documentation on what to expect!

alan-stokes commented 9 years ago

Hi Alex, we acutally kinda did disable it with the threads =1.

We discovered that the dsg exeuction with threads was actually slowing us down (so counter intirutitve, i know, but it seems that the effort of the interpreater saveing and swithcing state was mroe than enough of a drain to make it not worth while).

By turning it to 1, we basically become serial again.

I hope that helps you out, and at least should make you feel more confortable to reduce threads to 1, given that higher numbers gibve you a drop in performance.


neworderofjamie commented 9 years ago

You can also disable it more terminally by merging this guy into your working branch:


alan-stokes commented 9 years ago

so im just going through the open issues and seeign if i can fix anything. Given it seems the orginial issue covered here was deduced to be a thread issue and has a solution. I think its worth closing this issue. Please reopen if you disagree,

neworderofjamie commented 9 years ago

This issue is happening for me as well. I would bet fairly large amounts of money that threading in the DSG has nothing to do with it as it LOOKS like memory trampling coming from something buffered-in related as it's triggered by simply changing the input pattern presented to my network via buffered in.

neworderofjamie commented 9 years ago

Even when the network does work, I get screeds of these errors at the end:

SpinnmanInvalidPacketException: Invalid packet of type <class 'spinnman.messages.eieio.command_messages.eieio_command_message.EIEIOCommandMessage'> received: The command packet is invalid for buffer management: command id 64 File "/local/knightj/spinnaker_git/sPyNNaker/spynnaker/pyNN/buffer_management/buffer_manager.py", line 131, in receive_buffer_command_message "command id {0:d}".format(packet.eieio_header.command)) Packet Callback Error:Invalid packet of type <class 'spinnman.messages.eieio.command_messages.eieio_command_message.EIEIOCommandMessage'> received: The command packet is invalid for buffer management: command id 64

rowleya commented 9 years ago

This should be fixed in master – there was something printing buffer overflows to IO_STD. The current tag allocation allows tag 0 to be used for things other than IO_STD, so I changed the print to use IO_BUF (we are using this for everything else). There is a case to be made for disallowing tag 0 in tag allocation, but this is a minor issue.

alan-stokes commented 9 years ago

just a thought, if a model is using IO_STD, it should declare so, for then the tag allocator could allocate and the issue would disappear. Just out of curiosity, what was/is causing a buffer overflow? these buffers are being defined at host and transmitted, my instinctive reaction is that things shouldnt be overflowing?

neworderofjamie commented 9 years ago

I think not allocating tag zero would be the KISS answer to this (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle). Sadly the buffers in question are spike buffers not buffered in buffers

rowleya commented 9 years ago

Yes, the message was related to the overflow of the spike inputs i.e. too many spikes are coming in to be processed. Note that the buffer doesn't actually overflow; no memory is used that shouldn't be. The extra spikes are just discarded.

I would be quite happy to reserve tag 0 as this is a system function. It is made more complicated by the fact that you don't need to set up tag 0 i.e. you can use IO_STD without having set up anything to listen for it. So reserving tag 0 is the easy option.

alan-stokes commented 9 years ago

Whereas i would usually agree with keeping things simple, we are trying to build a software which has a minimum of built in assumptions, and thus KISS behaviours should be discussed.

Given we are moving to iobuf instead of using iosnd, limiting the resource allocator to ignore a tag just for a issue that is then hidden, would then make it more difficult to deduce in future. think a student 3 years from now wondering why we don't use tag 0. Having a way to explicitly define this would then allow the allocator to work, and would reveal this behaviour in a friendly way.

assume in the future a application which wants all 8 tags, but is not allowed because tag 0 has been allocated to system, but isn’t being used. I'd consider that a bug. smart resource allocation should be aimed for, not disregarded just because its easy to cut it out.

alan-stokes commented 9 years ago

its also worth noting, what happens if iostd changes to use tag 2, then we need to switch the hard-coded allocation. giving the software the chance to handle it would be cleaner in my opinion.

alan-stokes commented 9 years ago

just a side topic that's just popped into my mind. we're using/ed iobuf/iostd to record this overflow. Would it be better to store this in a variable tracking the amount of spikes that we lost through overflow and write it to a register or a provenance region at the end of execution? The reason I've just thought of it, is because this is one of the entry places where packet loss can be recorded.

neworderofjamie commented 9 years ago

Agreed - I think all of this type of stuff should be moved to the 'provenance' region, reading the IO_BUF is hardly ideal.

On 7 August 2015 at 11:26, Alan Stokes notifications@github.com wrote:

just a side topic that's just popped into my mind. we're using/ed iobuf/iostd to record this overflow. Would it be better to store this in a variable tracking the amount of spikes that we lost through overflow and write it to a register or a provenance region at the end of execution? The reason I've just thought of it, is because this is one of the entry places where packet loss can be recorded.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker/issues/107#issuecomment-128667933 .

rowleya commented 9 years ago

Believe this to be fixed now - was an issue with the config file