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Green growth #10

Open Spica99 opened 11 years ago

Spica99 commented 11 years ago

2013-07-10 (50min) Title: Some emerging-world companies are combining growth with greenery Link: http://www.putclub.com/html/radio/jingjixuerenshuangyuban/2013/0705/72871.html; Notes: inspiring development The environment is already under strain. elite 精英 well-heeled 富足的 in the emerging world World Economic Forum (WEF) Boston Consulting Group (BCG) eco-consciousness 生态意识 forge relationship 建立关系 cooked up 计划,复制 salient 杰出的,卓越的 in part 在某种程度上 tap the waste heat from buildings to power its machines come up with green ideas specialism lousy infrastructure alliance 联盟

zergxyz commented 11 years ago

:+1: 学习了