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Model Thinking by Scott E. Page w9_6 #119

Open Spica99 opened 10 years ago

Spica99 commented 10 years ago

2013-12-08 (80min) Coursera open course: Model Thinking by Scott E. Page Start from 10.07.2013, will end on 12.16.2013 Link: https://class.coursera.org/modelthinking-005/class/index;

finite memory random walk portfolio 证券投资组合 longest streaks hold true in the data construct simple model and predict a whole bunch of stuff do math on streaks/clusters 连续的 regression to the mean free lunch theorem

Colonel Blotto game Prisoner's dilemma 囚徒困境 confederate union 南方联盟 vanilla version 普通模型 basic frugal model 节俭的模型

If your friend knows that the value's gonna go up, other people probably know the value's gonna go up, and the value may have already gone up. It's also interesting to tie this back to some of the stuff we've already learned. We are better able to make sense of the world.