Skin aging data already obtained
a) First paper (ethnic difference and environmental factors)
i. Confirm the definition of all the co-variables in regression model
ii. Highlights of our results in the first paper
iii. Format of our papers – submit to which journal
b) Male and female difference
i. Effect of environmental and lifestyle factors in different age range
ii. Interaction between gender-related factors and systemic inflammation in skin aging
c) Potential SCINEXA modifications in East Asians
i. Guideline of establishment of SCINEXA
ii. Experience from previous research in Japanese
The next skin aging data collection
a) How and when it should be carried out
i. Make comparable questionnaire in Taizhou cohort study according to SALIA study
ii. Begin with a pilot study with small sample size
b) Detailed preparation plans in the months before the collection
i. How to deal with blood sample after subjects collection
ii. How many and which markers will be selected on the basis of signaling and pathway?
Air pollution data
a) Usability of the data provided by the government
i. Investigate the long-term effects of air pollution on skin aging by GEE
ii. State of art on gene-environmental interaction study in SALIA
b) Potential application of land-use regression
i. Possible technology support and advice from SALIA study
Genetic data to be obtained
a) Candidate genes studies (or not)
b) Genome-wide association studies
i. Interest of both sides in GWAS study
ii. Timetable and post-doctor’s tasks in this project
Sino-German grant
a) Contents to be included
i. Whether include effect of indoor air pollution on skin aging
b) Tasks and timetable
Miaozhu’s plan
a) Miaozhu’s future tasks in this project
i. Draft SINO-German grant under supervision by Sijia and Andrea
ii. Establish the questionnaire in skin aging project in English and in Chinese
iii. SCINEXA training and in charge of sample collection in Taizhou
iv. Manage data quality control, and do data cleaning with Anan
v. Analyze the ethnic difference and environmental factors affecting skin aging
vi. Analyze how the long-term air pollution influence skin aging in Chinese
vii. Conduct a GWAS on skin aging in Chinese with colleagues
viii. Determine the effect of the gene-environmental interaction on skin-related diseases
ix. Assess the interaction between air pollution and systemic inflammation in Chinese
x. Obtain several possible post-doctoral foundation funding for skin aging project
b) The time and the task of Miaozhu’s next visit at IUF
i. Attend workshop and obtain possible funding after the workshop
ii. Development statistical approach with Andrea and Tamara
iii. Complete most data analysis listed above except the GWAS study
c) Suggestions on how to improve communication
i. Timetable with specific tasks and deadline
ii. More telephone conferences and visits from both sides (face-to-face communication)
Potential collaboration with Li Jin on other aging traits
Time and goals of the next visits from both sides
Other skin characteristics (e.g. sensitive skin)
a) Skin characteristics in old version of SCINEXA
b) Feasible instruments to measure the skin-related outcomes
c) Circadian rhythm of skin characteristics
Discussion points: