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TED talks: why we have too few women leaders - Sheryl Sandberg (2010) Part 2 #16

Open Spica99 opened 11 years ago

Spica99 commented 11 years ago

2013-07-16 (40min) Title: why we have too few women leaders from Sheryl Sandberg (2010) Link: http://ented.babblebuzz.com/sheryl-sandberg-why-we-have-too-few-women-leaders/; some comments: 1.http://blog.englishtrackers.com/tedlesson-sheryl-sandberg-why-we-have-too-few-women-leaders/; 2.http://www.myoops.org/main.php?act=course&id=2242; Notes: Silicon Valley government official 政府官员 Everyone kind of sat at the table. kind of在段落中常常出现,怎么解释? European Intellectual History 欧洲思想史 a water-polo-playing pre-med? 怎么解释? sophomore march himself up to our classroom 往上看/走 drow out the main point on the Hegelian dialectic 黑格尔辩证法 John Locke's theory of property objective criteria 客观标准 women attibute it to other external factors I am awesome. the corner office they deserve their success/own your own success/believe in yourself and negotiate for yourself. fabulous 难以置信的,极好的 We all know this to be true. venture capitalist 风险投资家 give the case out competent She's a little out for herself. She's a little political.她有点自利,有点自私。 reaching for opportunities We' ve got to get women to sit at the table.

zergxyz commented 11 years ago

She's a little out for herself... 学习了