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TED talks: the power of introverts - Susan Cain Part 2 #22

Open Spica99 opened 11 years ago

Spica99 commented 11 years ago

2013-07-22 (55min) Title: the power of introverts Link:http://ented.babblebuzz.com/susan-cain-the-power-of-introverts/; http://www.ted.com/talks/susan_cain_the_power_of_introverts.html; some comments: http://blog.englishtrackers.com/tedlessons-susan-cain-the-power-of-introverts/;

Notes: gregarious 社交的,群居的 autonomous 自治的,自主的 a pod of desks flights of thoughts go off 离开 outlier 局外人 as opposed to open plan office 开敞式设计办公室 be subject to 受支配 gaze (at) 盯着 pass over 越过,忽略 Wharton school 诺顿商学院 deliver better outcomes proactive 前瞻性的 run with one's idea unwittingly 不知情的 put their own stamp on things, and other people's ideas might not as easily then bubble up to the surface 表决,浮出水面 transformative 改革能力的 Eleanor Roosevelt Rosa Parks 黑人民权运动引导者 Gandhi Carl Jung 荣格 spot light 聚光灯 take the spotlight 大显身手 helm 指挥,舵 fall at different points lunatic asylum 精神病院 smack in the middle ambivert 中间性格 a streak of light solitude 孤独,隐居 Solitude is a crucial ingredient often to creativity. emphatically 着重的 creation bell tower office persona 角色 Steve Wozniak case in point 恰当的例子

Spica99 commented 11 years ago

真的是在“open plan office”办公吗?