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TED talks: the single biggest health threat women face - Noel Bairey Merz Part2 #26

Open Spica99 opened 11 years ago

Spica99 commented 11 years ago

2013-07-26 (60min) Title: the single biggest health threat women face Link: http://www.ted.com/talks/noel_bairey_merz_the_single_biggest_health_threat_women_face.html; some comments:

  1. http://www.myoops.org/main.php?act=course&id=2424;
  2. Noel Bairey Merz:http://tedxwomen.org/speakers/noel-bairey-merz/; http://www.ted.com/speakers/c_noel_bairey_merz.html;

Notes: We owe an incredible debt of gratitude to these two women. portray impersonate 扮演 Bernadine Healy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernadine_Healy; cardiologist editorial Yentl syndrome They don't get detected. subsequently This is the biggest biomedical enterprise research in the world. It was a very big deal for her to become director. in the face of a lot of controversy Women's Health Initiative 主动权,主动的 osteoporosis 骨质酥松症 under reading 字里行间 chair 椅子,讲座,担任主席 ischemic heart disease heart attack coronary artery women erode,men explode analogy 类比 clot 凝结 cath 心导管, Cath 大教堂 a whole bunch of women gal 姑娘 Might have been gas. catheter 导管 intravascular ultrasound 血管内超声 focal 焦点的,病灶的 cellulite 脂肪团,橘皮组织 dump lumpy 粗笨的,波浪的 bumpy 颠簸的 lay sth down 放下,铺设 50 years of honing and crafting these angiograms 血管造影片