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TED talks: Experiments that hint of longer lives - Cynthia Kenyon Part 4 #32

Open Spica99 opened 11 years ago

Spica99 commented 11 years ago

2013-08-01 (45min) Title: Experiments that hint of longer lives Link: http://www.ted.com/talks/cynthia_kenyon_experiments_that_hint_of_longer_lives.html;

Cynthia Kenyon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cynthia_Kenyon; Cynthia Kenyon's lab: http://kenyonlab.ucsf.edu/html/ck_biosketch.html;

Notes: get this straight scratch 擦伤 alter gene in principle It might be that you would just have to fine tune it very carefully to get the benefits without getting any problems. negligible 微不足道的 senescence 死亡 tortoise, turtle 行动迟缓的人 scout out the good nesting places progeny 子孙 hydrogen peroxide set point 设置点

zergxyz commented 11 years ago

@Spica99 daf-2 mutant and FOXO, 呵呵这是不是妙竹你的专业了啊?看了这个视频涨不少知识

Spica99 commented 11 years ago

@zergxyz 呵呵,以前做的确实比较相关。挺有意思吧?特别是那个30岁和60岁约会的笑话^^