Spica99 / Learning

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Listening and reading test w3.2 #34

Open Spica99 opened 11 years ago

Spica99 commented 11 years ago

2013-08-03 (40min) Vocabulary learning http://dictionary.reference.com/browse; http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary;

Title: Can Earbuds Lead to Hearing Loss? Link: http://forum.putclub.com/viewthread.php?tid=328058;

earbud 耳塞 dabble 溅水,玩水 high-pitched 声调高的 destructive 破坏性的,消极的 decibel 分贝 lawn mower 割草机 jet 喷气式飞机 take off cochlea 耳蜗 vibration 震动,心灵感应 blast 爆炸 wither 枯萎

acquaintance 熟人 conformation 一致,符合 composition 作文,作曲 remark 评论 self-image 自我形象