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Oncology and genetics #4

Open Spica99 opened 11 years ago

Spica99 commented 11 years ago

2013-07-03 (65min) Title: Grabbing cancer by the short and curlies Link:http://www.putclub.com/html/radio/jingjixuerenshuangyuban/2013/0628/72511.html; Notes: curly 卷曲的,卷发的 One of the great hopes nurtured by the Human Genome Project was that it would crack cancer open. 找到了问题的突破点 tailored 定做的,裁缝做的,合适的 anaplastic 整形的 cause a dramatic shrinkage of the tumour The catch is that the respite does not last. 休息 The disease continues on its course. presumption 假设 nullify 取消,使无效 dearly 深深的 curtail 缩短,减少 a plethora of 过多的,大量的 have no direct bearing on the disease on the pin money 深入研究 machinery 机械,机器,结构?machine的区别? eagerly 热切的,专注的 That is interesting, but not of immediate assistance to the dying. could be of such help shrivel its presence 萎缩,使失效 interfer with vanguard 先锋(科学)

zergxyz commented 11 years ago

嗯 这个确实有难度。 machinery 我也基本没用过,查了下好像可以作为一个machine的总类来用。学习了:)。

Spica99 commented 11 years ago

@zergxyz 呵呵,谢谢啦~