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TED talks: Saving faces: A plastic surgeon's craft - Iain Hutchison Part 2 #42

Open Spica99 opened 11 years ago

Spica99 commented 11 years ago

2013-08-27 (55min) Title: Saving faces: A plastic surgeon's craft Link: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/iain_hutchison_saving_faces.html; Iain Hutchison: http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~sfhvcms/iaoo/founders/Hutchison%20I_ShortCV.pdf; http://www.ted.com/speakers/iain_hutchison.html; http://www.baoms.org.uk/Who_We_Are/Council/Iain_L_Hutchison; http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2008/mar/04/sciencenews;

advanced surgery: http://blog.ted.com/2013/01/24/8-talks-about-advances-in-surgery/;

Notes: we are trying to struggle to find our identity. We crave the approval of our peers. vital 生死攸关的 We are trying to project ourselves to the world. scne spot 青春痘 cripple 残废 sardonic 讽刺的 jaw 下巴 jut forward 向前突出 miserable tease 嘲笑 jumble up 混在一起 perceive 觉察,理解 consultation suite sling 吊索 outrageous fortune 非凡运气 malignant 恶性的 ravage 破坏 cheekbone 颧骨 eye-socket 眼窝 advocate 律师,提倡 cricket 板球 I learned a huge amount from Henry. He enjoys life to the full insouciance 无忧无虑的,漫不经心的 oblivious 遗忘的 neurosurgeon 神经外科医生 psychiatric