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Listening and reading test w5.1 #49

Open Spica99 opened 10 years ago

Spica99 commented 10 years ago

2013-09-08 (60min) Vocabulary learning Title:Harry Potter News, Photos and Videos Link: http://home.putclub.com/space.php?uid=2306839&do=blog&id=369653;

Notes: Harry Potter and Sorcerer's stone exclusive 独有的,独家新闻 anniversary 周年纪念日 enchant 使迷惑 dispel 驱散 translate into a word 74 languages merchandise 商品 amuse 娱乐,使发笑 theme parks miss out 错过

to stand trial in open court 公开受审 taking bribery 受贿 embezzlement 贪污 abuse of power 滥用职权 chief judge 审判长 to appear in court to give testimony 出庭作证 to deny all charges 否认所有指控 the evidence was irrelevant 证据与本案无关 court debate 法庭辩论