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Listening and reading test w6.1 #55

Open Spica99 opened 10 years ago

Spica99 commented 10 years ago

2013-09-08 (60min) Vocabulary learning Title: Jamestown settlers resorted to cannibalism Link: http://in.reuters.com/video/2013/05/02/jamestown-settlers-resorted-to-cannibali?videoId=242591030;

Notes: Historian 历史学家 Hard evidence 真凭实据 Cannibalism 食人 dismember 肢解 recall 回忆

boarding check 登机牌 bumpy flight 不平稳而飞行 smooth flight 平稳的飞行 air route 航线 altitude 高度 forced landing 迫降 climbing to gain height 爬升 direct flight 直飞 to taxi along 滑行 face the wind 迎风 fly with the wind 顺风

雅思词汇 - 飞行旅行词汇: http://ielts.gedu.org/p/12338-1.html

雅思词汇 - 飞行旅行词汇: http://ielts.gedu.org/p/12338-1.html