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Listening and reading test w7.1 #59

Open Spica99 opened 10 years ago

Spica99 commented 10 years ago

2013-09-21 (60min) Vocabulary learning Title: New Warning About Drinking Too Much Coffee - ABC News Link: http://home.putclub.com/space.php?uid=1080298&do=blog&id=368964;

Notes: make sense of all of this 理解这些 Senior Medical Contributor 高级医学供稿人 be way over 远远超出 pros and cons 正面和反面 break down 分解 reputable 声誉好的 a reduced risk of sth/decrease the risk of sth 降低...风险 Moderation is key. 适度是关键。

buddy 哥们 confidante 闺蜜 couple 情侣 colleague 同事 partner 搭档 companion 同伴 pen pal 笔友 bosom friend 知心朋友 comrade-in-arms 战友 fellow-apprentice 师兄弟 sworn brother 结拜兄弟 mentor 导师 superior 上司


  1. In this life, our fate as husband and wife come to an end. I am fine, and take care of you as well.
  2. 我想要的是一个家庭,而你却注定是一个传奇。爱你如初,很遗憾,放手是我唯一能为你做的。
  3. What I would like to have is a family, yet you are doomed to be a legend. I love you as before. I am sorry, letting go is the only thing I could do for you.