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TED talks: When ideas have sex - Matt Ridley - Part 3 #63

Open Spica99 opened 10 years ago

Spica99 commented 10 years ago

2013-09-25 (60min) Title: When ideas have sex Link: http://www.ted.com/talks/matt_ridley_when_ideas_have_sex.html Matt Ridley: http://www.ted.com/speakers/matt_ridley.html;

Where do ideas come from? (5 talks): http://www.ted.com/playlists/20/where_do_ideas_come_from.html;

Notes: outfit 机构,全套装备,配备 hairstyle palace of Versatile 多才多艺的 bistros 小酒吧 Workers work for queens. with respect to sb 关于... foraging division of labor 觅食 distinction 区别,荣誉 get access to protein 获得,接近 warthog 疣猪 imaginative 富有想象力的,创造力的 linguistic skill dissing 侮辱,小看 chert 燧石;黑硅石 obsidian 黑曜石 jasper 碧玉 seashell