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TED talks: The new open-source economics - Yochai Benkler - Part 3 #68

Open Spica99 opened 10 years ago

Spica99 commented 10 years ago

2013-10-12 (60min) Title: Where good ideas come from Link: http://www.ted.com/talks/steven_johnson_where_good_ideas_come_from.html?quote=814; Steven Johnson: : http://www.ted.com/speakers/steven_johnson.html;

Where do ideas come from? (5 talks): http://www.ted.com/playlists/20/where_do_ideas_come_from.html; http://www.ted.com/talks/steven_johnson_tours_the_ghost_map.html; http://www.ted.com/talks/steven_johnson_on_the_web_as_a_city.html;

Notes: neonatal incubator 新生儿育儿箱 halve 二等分 on-the-ground 秘密的 get medical aid得到医疗救助 Forerunner 先驱者,预兆 Toyota chime 鸣响 run off a car battery cobble 修补 stitch ideas together into new form theory of gravity tavern 酒馆,客栈 collision 冲突 a deep thought notorious 声名狼藉的 Big Brother 老大哥,专制政府,独裁者 a bunch of science labs pour over 灌浇,涌入 pressing problems 紧迫的问题