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Umemployment in the west #7

Open Spica99 opened 11 years ago

Spica99 commented 11 years ago

2013-07-06 (50min) Title: The quest for jobs Link: http://www.putclub.com/html/radio/jingjixuerenshuangyuban/2013/0704/72825.html; Notes: convey the scale of joblessness in the West 反映出... OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) 经济合作与发展组织 The ladscape is not univormly bleak. 荒凉的 alamingly 惊人的 slip back into recession substance abuse in terms of labour market atrophy 萎缩 become detached from the workforce 与世隔绝 Its shadow lingers, reducing future growth rates, damaging bulic finaces and straining social order for years to come. remedy 药品,补救 n,v America is stuck in a sterile debate. 无效的,无菌的,无意义的 Across the Atlantic many of the responses to the Euro crisis seem designed to drive up joblessness. embark on 着手 contractionary policy 紧缩政策 In some cases the fault lies with monetary policy. 金融政策 The main culprit is a collective, premature shift to fiscal austerity by govenments. 罪魁祸首,财政紧缩

2013-07-07 (50min) strike a bargain with bond market 债市 combine policies that cushion growth now with measures that bring deficts under control in the medium term 赤字 subsidy 补贴 dissuade...from doing... infrastructure 基础建设 fat the bottom line of a few chosen firm Governments should prioritise policies that do. plain 诉苦,明白 have a brewing jobs problems long before the financial crisis hit get government off entrepreneurs's backs two teir system 双层体质 mollycoddle 娇养,懦夫 overhaul 检修,翻新 distruction invest too little in ways to help... antiquated 过时的 it has taken Western govenments too long to grasp the seriousness of their jobs problem

Spica99 commented 11 years ago

查了一下这则新闻其实很旧了 (Sep 10th 2011)。http://www.economist.com/node/21528630 目前西班牙的失业率大约27.2%: http://www.tradingeconomics.com/spain/unemployment-rate. 请美国草根评价一下美国现在的经济情况:D

zergxyz commented 11 years ago

@Spica99 不敢说评价,个人感觉最近的美国市场相对属于较好的状态。全国整体房地产价格上升幅度较大,外加联邦政府的量化宽松刺激政策,推动金融市场(股票,证券和基金的大涨)发展。 目前失业率大概在7.6%, 比年初有的8%所下降。 今年光伏企业和3D打印得到了更多的市场,美国似乎在重新推动基于这些技术的新型制造业产业发展。这些趋势值得关注 :)

Spica99 commented 11 years ago

@zergxyz 呵呵,多谢展望美国未来市场,这里确实有一些相关信息:http://www.tradingeconomics.com/united-states/indicators