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Bigger and better #8

Open Spica99 opened 11 years ago

Spica99 commented 11 years ago

2013-07-08 (50min) Title: America’s big hospital groups will continue to gobble up competitors Link: http://www.putclub.com/html/radio/jingjixuerenshuangyuban/2013/0614/71836.html; Notes: gobble up 狼吞虎咽下去 takeover 接管 The bid soon became a brawl. 出价很快变成一场争夺战。 in the saga's most recent chapter...冒险故事;英雄事迹 file a lawsuit accusing sb... rebuttal 反驳 rancorous 充满仇恨的 it is in line with a broader trend of consolidation in the huge but fragmented business of providing hospital care. 巩固 soak up 吸收 invalid 病号 insure 确保,给...保险 rationale 基本原则,基本理论 renovation and expansion clout 发言权,权势 The health reform are piling on the pressure to merge. favourable term 优惠条件 经济衰退 Community's bit for Tenet is the biggest deal now in the works. revenue 收入 IPO initial public offering 公开募股 acquisition 获得,购买 grapple with 斗争 bond-research firm 债券研究公司 spree 狂欢 shpping spree dividend 股息 shareholder 股东 billing model 计费模式 vehemently 强烈的 The hospital-merger wave still has far to go. Origin link: http://www.economist.com/node/18621132.

zergxyz commented 11 years ago

seems not right

Spica99 commented 11 years ago

@zergxyz 嗯嗯,更新了~