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Intellectual property, many patents, still pending #9

Open Spica99 opened 11 years ago

Spica99 commented 11 years ago

2013-07-09 (50min) Title: Congress tweaks, but does not overhaul, America's patent system Link: http://www.putclub.com/html/radio/jingjixuerenshuangyuban/2013/0704/72823.html; Notes: procedural hurdle 程序障碍 America Invents Act Senate 参议院 come up with an idea first-to-file 申请注册专利 outfit 装备,设备 savvy 能干,精明,专业 inventor 罚命中 address the more basic problem dispute 争论 balloon v lottery 博彩活动 suit non-practising entity 缺乏经验的企业 patent troll 专利诱饵 buy up 尽量收购,全买 infringement 侵犯 infringer侵权人 bill 议案 strenuous lobbying 激烈游说,激烈的,紧张的 advocate 提倡,赞成 allege 声称 Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) dodgy 狡猾的,躲避的 third parties 第三方 fray 争论,打架 argue things out backlog 积压 a huge backlog of applications dispute-resolution procedure The result is a muddle as well as a missed opportunity.

zergxyz commented 11 years ago
