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Model Thinking by Scott E. Page w5_3 #93

Open Spica99 opened 10 years ago

Spica99 commented 10 years ago

2013-11-09 (120min) Coursera open course: Model Thinking by Scott E. Page Start from 10.07.2013, will end on 12.16.2013 Link: https://class.coursera.org/modelthinking-005/class/index;

Vocabulary learning: Section 10: Markov Convergence Theorem A1: Finite states A2: Fixed transition probability A3: Can eventually get from any one state to any other A4: Not a simple cycle intervene to 干涉 deterministic 确定性的;命运注定论的 redistribution 重新分配 Change State - temporary Change Transition probability - permanent dictatorial 独裁的,专政的 churn 搅拌 turnout 产量,出席者,清除 churn 搅拌 democratization 民主化 increment 增加 matrix deflation 矩阵收缩 appeal 呼吁,恳求 regime 政权,政体 trade embargo 贸易禁运 abiding 持久的,永久的