Spice9 / Geofs-Multiliveries

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Livery Suggestion #5

Closed githubuser589 closed 2 years ago

githubuser589 commented 2 years ago

Hello, IF you are considering making A320 liveries, here is a couple of suggestions:

-Air Canada (ice blue) -Azores Airlines

If you do plan on adding these, feel free to ask me for anything that's needed (e.g logos and hex codes).


iuhairways commented 2 years ago

um maybe airfrance too

iuhairways commented 2 years ago

Hello, IF you are considering making A320 liveries, here is a couple of suggestions:

-Air Canada (ice blue) -Azores Airlines

If you do plan on adding these, feel free to ask me for anything that's needed (e.g logos and hex codes).


um theres a comment here

iuhairways commented 2 years ago

so yes