SpiceSharp / SpiceSharpParser

SPICE netlists parser for .NET
MIT License
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Method not found: 'Boolean SpiceSharp.Circuits.Entity.SetParameter(System.String, Double, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1)' #104

Closed user4githvb closed 5 years ago

user4githvb commented 5 years ago

I have issue with diode example (from tutorial):

    var netlist = string.Join(Environment.NewLine,
        "Diode circuit",
        "D1 OUT 0 1N914",
        "V1 OUT 0 0",
        ".model 1N914 D(Is=2.52e-9 Rs=0.568 N=1.752 Cjo=4e-12 M=0.4 tt=20e-9)",
        ".DC V1 -1 1 10e-3",
        ".SAVE i(V1)",

    // Parsing part - SpiceSharpParser
    var parser = new SpiceParser();
    var parseResult = parser.ParseNetlist(netlist);
    var spiceSharpModel = parseResult.SpiceSharpModel;

Method not found: 'Boolean SpiceSharp.Circuits.Entity.SetParameter(System.String, Double, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1)'

user4githvb commented 5 years ago

Solved - It occurs that SpiceSharp Parser nuget includes a version of SpiceSharp that is older then SpiceSparp standalone nuget that I also installed - even before SpiceSharp Parser. Newest version of SpiceSparp is in conflict with Parser that required older package.

marcin-golebiowski commented 5 years ago

@user4githvb Should be fine now. New version of Spice#.Parser has been published.

user4githvb commented 5 years ago

Now parser works fine - thank You thank You very much.

marcin-golebiowski commented 5 years ago

@user4githvb If you have any problems, feel free to write e-mail to me or write here.