SpiceSharp / SpiceSharpParser

SPICE netlists parser for .NET
MIT License
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Why can't this circuit be parsed? #114

Closed DZychlinski closed 4 years ago

DZychlinski commented 4 years ago


I have this circuit (here it's very simplified, but illustrates the problem I face):

I_M 0 N1 0.025
X_entry1 N1 0 N2 entry_1
X_entry2 N1 0 N3 entry_2

.subckt entry_1 m_in m_out v_vel
Vmas m_in msx 0  
Rmas msx msy 1e-6
Bxm msy m_out V=V(v_vel)*V(v_vel)/2.1
Hmss mss 0 Vmas 1
Buv 0 v_vel I=(v(mss)/120)/(0.1)
Ruv 0 v_vel 1

.subckt entry_2 m_in m_out v_vel
Vmas m_in msx 0  
Rmas msx msy 1e-6
Bxm msy m_out V=V(v_vel)*V(v_vel)/2
Hmss mss 0 Vmas 1
Buv 0 v_vel I=(v(mss)/120)/(0.1)
Ruv 0 v_vel 1

.options abstol=1e-5

SpiceSharpParser is unable to parse division by 2.1 on line Bxm msy m_out V=V(v_vel)*V(v_vel)/2.1 throwing exception: SpiceSharpParser.Lexers.LexerException: 'Can't get next token from text: '/2.1 ''

Is there anything that I do wrong here?

I forgot the stack trace:

   at SpiceSharpParser.Lexers.Lexer`1.<GetTokens>d__7.MoveNext()
   at SpiceSharpParser.Lexers.Netlist.Spice.SpiceLexer.<GetTokens>d__3.MoveNext()
   at System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at SpiceSharpParser.Lexers.Netlist.Spice.SpiceTokenProvider.GetTokens(String netlist)
   at SpiceSharpParser.SpiceParser.ParseNetlist(String spiceNetlist)
marcin-golebiowski commented 4 years ago

@DZychlinski I will take a look later today. But I think you should use following syntax:

Bxm msy m_out V={V(v_vel)*V(v_vel)/2.1}

marcin-golebiowski commented 4 years ago

Also please remove:

.control run .endc

DZychlinski commented 4 years ago

I've introduced your suggestions and now it parses correctly, but it cannot create component of unreported type, throwing this exception:

System.Exception: 'Unsupported component type'
   at SpiceSharpParser.ModelReaders.Netlist.Spice.Readers.ComponentReader.GetComponentGenerator(IReadingContext context, String componentName, String& componentType)
   at SpiceSharpParser.ModelReaders.Netlist.Spice.Readers.ComponentReader.Read(Component statement, IReadingContext context)
   at SpiceSharpParser.ModelReaders.Netlist.Spice.Readers.StatementReader`1.Read(Statement statement, IReadingContext context)
   at SpiceSharpParser.ModelReaders.Netlist.Spice.SpiceStatementsReader.Read(Statement statement, IReadingContext readingContext)
   at SpiceSharpParser.ModelReaders.Netlist.Spice.Readers.EntityGenerators.Components.SubCircuitGenerator.CreateSubcircuitComponents(SubCircuit subCircuitDefinition, IReadingContext subCircuitContext)
   at SpiceSharpParser.ModelReaders.Netlist.Spice.Readers.EntityGenerators.Components.SubCircuitGenerator.Generate(String componentIdentifier, String originalName, String type, ParameterCollection parameters, IReadingContext context)
   at SpiceSharpParser.ModelReaders.Netlist.Spice.Readers.ComponentReader.Read(Component statement, IReadingContext context)
   at SpiceSharpParser.ModelReaders.Netlist.Spice.Readers.StatementReader`1.Read(Statement statement, IReadingContext context)
   at SpiceSharpParser.ModelReaders.Netlist.Spice.SpiceStatementsReader.Read(Statement statement, IReadingContext readingContext)
   at SpiceSharpParser.ModelReaders.Netlist.Spice.Context.ReadingContext.Read(Statements statements, ISpiceStatementsOrderer orderer)
   at SpiceSharpParser.ModelReaders.Netlist.Spice.SpiceNetlistReader.Read(SpiceNetlist netlist)
   at SpiceSharpParser.SpiceParser.ParseNetlist(String spiceNetlist)
marcin-golebiowski commented 4 years ago

Strange. Can I help you with that in the evening today?

marcin-golebiowski commented 4 years ago

Are you using NuGet package or using source code directly ?

DZychlinski commented 4 years ago

NuGet package as of now, version 1.2.0.

marcin-golebiowski commented 4 years ago

Please do the following for now if you don't have time till evening: Download source code of SpiceSharpParser from master First try to reference SpiceSharpParser from source instead of nuget package.

Please let me know if that helped.

DZychlinski commented 4 years ago

I've downloaded SpiceSharpParser source, referenced it in my project and it actually did parse my netlist succesfully. :) Then I wanted to run my full circuit but I had different problem this time: "Unrecognized Spice property 'SpiceSharpBehavioral.Parsers.SpiceProperty' at character 7 ('/')". I downloaded sources for SpiceSharp, referenced it and got more info on my error by debugging it. Turned out I had some function calls written in lower-case and after fixing those - simulation finished without problems.

I know not everything here is related to SpiceSharpParser, but I thought it would be nice to provide some feedback in case someone else would stumble upon similar issue.

Thank you very much for your support!

marcin-golebiowski commented 4 years ago

@DZychlinski If you need any feature, please tell me. I'm open for any feature suggestion in SpiceSharpParser.

DZychlinski commented 4 years ago

Well, if I could suggest something, that would be my list:

  1. exception messages could have messages providing more information - of course if it's viable in given context, like entire expression that is causing problems (not just part of it, as that might occur in many more places);
  2. it would be really nice if Parser could take care of equations that now require curly brackets, so that it would parse them without the need to add them;
  3. I don't quite know why Parser requires those to be removed, but maybe it would be possible for it to build circuit despite having those statements?:

    .control run .endc

  4. I cannot reproduce it now, but if I remember correctly, when Parser informs about an "error on line X" it does so without counting comments lines, so we get line that doesn't match source NetList. This is connected to point 1, so just a better message would suffice (at least for me).

I don't know how feasible those suggestions are, but they are quite good quality of life improvements and they would allow to parse pure NetLists without any changes.

marcin-golebiowski commented 4 years ago

@DZychlinski Thank you for feedback. I will work on those suggestions.

marcin-golebiowski commented 4 years ago

@DZychlinski Nuget package v1.3.0 for SpiceSharpParser has been published.

It's able to parse and simulate your netlist with small modifications:

Real life example

I_M 0 N1 0.025 X_entry1 N1 0 N2 entry_1 X_entry2 N1 0 N3 entry_2

.subckt entry_1 m_in m_out v_vel Vmas m_in msx 0
Rmas msx msy 1e-6 Bxm msy m_out V={V(v_vel)*V(v_vel)/2.1} Hmss mss 0 Vmas 1 Buv 0 v_vel I={(V(mss)/120)/(0.1)} Ruv 0 v_vel 1 .ends

.subckt entry_2 m_in m_out v_vel Vmas m_in msx 0
Rmas msx msy 1e-6 Bxm msy m_out V={V(v_vel)*V(v_vel)/2} Hmss mss 0 Vmas 1 Buv 0 v_vel I={(V(mss)/120)/(0.1)} Ruv 0 v_vel 1 .ends

.OP .SAVE V(N1) .end

I will work on improvements. Please let me know if you have any other needs.

DZychlinski commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for you efforts! As for me this issue can be closed. I have one more thing I' having problems with, but that belongs to SpiceSharpBehavioral - I'll ask it there.