SpiceSharp / SpiceSharpParser

SPICE netlists parser for .NET
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Parser failure when try to extract the voltage at node #159

Closed betty2310 closed 3 months ago

betty2310 commented 4 months ago

I try to export voltage at node out in the netlist provided on README

var netlistText = string.Join(Environment.NewLine,
                "Diode circuit",
                "D1 OUT 0 1N914",
                "V1 OUT 0 0",
                ".model 1N914 D(Is=2.52e-9 Rs=0.568 N=1.752 Cjo=4e-12 M=0.4 tt=20e-9)",
                ".DC V1 -1 1 10e-3",
                ".SAVE v(OUT)",

But I get this error Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'key')

Here is full exception message

Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'key')
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindValue(TKey key)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryGetValue(TKey key, TValue& value)
   at SpiceSharp.Simulations.VariableDictionary`1.TryGetValue(String key, V& value)
   at SpiceSharp.Simulations.RealVoltageExport.GetVariable(IReadOnlyList`1 path)
   at SpiceSharp.Simulations.RealVoltageExport.Initialize(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at SpiceSharp.Simulations.Simulation.OnAfterSetup(EventArgs args)
   at SpiceSharp.Simulations.Simulation.Run(IEntityCollection entities)

My enviroinment:

betty2310 commented 3 months ago

@marcin-golebiowski Hi, sorry for mention without permission but can you please help?

marcin-golebiowski commented 3 months ago

Hi, Following snippet works for me:

var netlistText = string.Join(
    "Diode circuit",
    "D1 OUT 0 1N914",
    "V1 OUT 0 0",
    ".model 1N914 D(Is=2.52e-9 Rs=0.568 N=1.752 Cjo=4e-12 M=0.4 tt=20e-9)",
    ".DC V1 -1 1 10e-3",
    ".SAVE i(V1)",

// Parsing part
var parser = new SpiceNetlistParser();
var parseResult = parser.ParseNetlist(netlistText);
var netlist = parseResult.FinalModel;

// Translating netlist model to SpiceSharp
var reader = new SpiceSharpReader();
var spiceSharpModel = reader.Read(netlist);

// Simulation using SpiceSharp
var simulation = spiceSharpModel.Simulations.Single();
var export = spiceSharpModel.Exports.Find(e => e.Name == "i(V1)");
simulation.ExportSimulationData += (sender, args) => Console.WriteLine(export.Extract());

I use SpiceSharp (3.1.8) and latest SpiceSharpParser

betty2310 commented 3 months ago

@marcin-golebiowski Hi, thanks for your reply. As I mentioned, I get problem when export node is v(OUT). If export i(V1), it's work fine.

I try to export voltage at node out in the netlist provided on README

marcin-golebiowski commented 3 months ago

I've found the issue. Below is working example.

var netlistText = string.Join( Environment.NewLine, "Diode circuit", "D1 OUT 0 1N914", "V1 OUT 0 0", ".model 1N914 D(Is=2.52e-9 Rs=0.568 N=1.752 Cjo=4e-12 M=0.4 tt=20e-9)", ".DC V1 -1 1 10e-3", ".SAVE i(V1) v(OUT,0)", ".END");

// Parsing part var parser = new SpiceNetlistParser(); var parseResult = parser.ParseNetlist(netlistText); var netlist = parseResult.FinalModel;

// Translating netlist model to SpiceSharp var reader = new SpiceSharpReader(); var spiceSharpModel = reader.Read(netlist);

// Simulation using SpiceSharp var simulation = spiceSharpModel.Simulations.Single(); var export = spiceSharpModel.Exports.Find(e => e.Name == "v(OUT,0)"); simulation.ExportSimulationData += (sender, args) => Console.WriteLine(export.Extract()); simulation.Run(spiceSharpModel.Circuit);