Could not build the precompiled application for the device.
Swift Compiler Error (Xcode): Value of type 'AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest' has no member 'requireExtension'
Swift Compiler Error (Xcode): Value of type 'AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest' has no member 'requireSubPOIs'
Swift Compiler Error (Xcode): Value of type 'AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest' has no member 'requireExtension'
Swift Compiler Error (Xcode): Value of type 'AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest' has no member 'requireSubPOIs'
Uncategorized (Xcode): Command SwiftCompile failed with a nonzero exit code
Could not build the precompiled application for the device. Swift Compiler Error (Xcode): Value of type 'AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest' has no member 'requireExtension' /Users/ios/.pub-cache/hosted/
Swift Compiler Error (Xcode): Value of type 'AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest' has no member 'requireSubPOIs' /Users/ios/.pub-cache/hosted/
Swift Compiler Error (Xcode): Value of type 'AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest' has no member 'requireExtension' /Users/ios/.pub-cache/hosted/
Swift Compiler Error (Xcode): Value of type 'AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest' has no member 'requireSubPOIs' /Users/ios/.pub-cache/hosted/
Uncategorized (Xcode): Command SwiftCompile failed with a nonzero exit code
环境:flutter3.7 pod启用的SDK版本 - AMapSearch (9.7.0):