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Reproduce Table 4 in the Paper #7

Open XX4869 opened 1 year ago

XX4869 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for releasing the awesome code. Very insightful work!

I was wondering if the code in this repository can reproduce the numerical results of Table 4 in the paper, specifically those of MCTS without heat map (right column)? I tried to modify the initialization of weight matrix W in the TSP_MCTS.h file to $W_{ij}=1$ (link to where I modified the code). But this gives me similar results as using heat map to initialize $W$, very different from the numbers reported in Table 4.

In addition, I came across this paper of yours together with your other repository. This paper (Table 1 last row) reports that on TSP-20, 50, and 100, MCTS with uniform initialization of $W$ (i.e., no predicted heat map) delivers similar performance as Concorde/LKH, which seems to be the opposite of Table 4 of the first paper. I must be missing something here. Could you please let me know what implementation difference of the two works is causing this (at least on TSP-20, 50, and 100)?

Spider-scnu commented 1 year ago

Hi, this result of table is average length of predicted solution in testset.

XX4869 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the quick response. But I don't really understand your answer. Can you please elaborate more?

Are you saying the numbers in Table 4 are the average length of predicted solutions, for both with and without heat map respectively (left and right column)? If so, how do I reproduce the numbers in the right column (no heat map)? As I said, I tried setting $W_{ij}=1$ as the initialization as indicated in the paper, but couldn't reproduce the numbers as reported in Table 4.

Any comments would be appreciated, thanks!

Spider-scnu commented 1 year ago

Hi, have you recompiled your project after modify related codes?

XX4869 commented 1 year ago

Yes, I am using the CPU version and I believe the bash script (e.g., solve-100.sh) recompiles the code every time I run it. (Correct me if I'm wrong here.)

I also tried the code from your other repository, which doesn't have heat map (initialized with $W_{ij}=1$). As I mentioned before, this one reproduces Table 1 (last row) of your other paper. That is, the performance without heat map on TSP-20, 50, and 100 is similar to that with heat map.

Spider-scnu commented 1 year ago

Hi, how long did your MCTS run? The MCTS also is learning methods. If the running time of MCTS is long enough, nearly optimized solution will be searched.

XX4869 commented 1 year ago

I understand. And before opening the issue, I have already tried many different values of Param_T at this line of the code.

I have tried 0.1,0.075,0.025,0.01,0.005,0.001 on TSP-20, 50, and 100--they ran faster and faster, but still they all gave performances within 2% of Concorde, very different from that of Table 4 (but similar to the earlier paper Table 1).

I am also aware that the paper claims Param_T=0.01 (T=10n milliseconds) although it didn't mention if it's GPU version or CPU version. While the earlier paper claims to use Param_T=0.075 (T=75n milliseconds).

Did your Table 4 numbers come from GPU instead of CPU?

Spider-scnu commented 1 year ago

Hi, all experiments were tested in GPU in this paper. The running time of MCTS is longer in another paper.

XX4869 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the confirmation. I think I'll need to try the GPU version as well as setting Param_T to even smaller values in the CPU version to reproduce Table 4.