SpiderLabs / owasp-modsecurity-crs

OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) Project (Official Repository)
Apache License 2.0
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Monthly Chat Agenda April (2020-04-06) #1733

Closed dune73 closed 4 years ago

dune73 commented 4 years ago

This is the Agenda for the Monthly CRS Chat.

The chat is going to happen on https://owasp.slack.com in the channel #coreruleset on Monday, April 6, at 20:30 CET.

Items on the Agenda:

Previous Meetings decisions: here


PRs on hold

Other items

Feel free to add items as you see fit either above, or below as comments.

Open Issues

In January 2020, we decided to look into 10 issues at the chat every month. But only after the Other items. Pick the issues before the meeting and list them below.

Issue slot 1:
Issue slot 2:
Issue slot 3:
Issue slot 4:
Issue slot 5:
Issue slot 6:
Issue slot 7:
Issue slot 8:
Issue slot 9:
Issue slot 10:

If you are not yet on the OWASP Slack, here is your invite: https://join.slack.com/t/owasp/shared_invite/enQtNjExMTc3MTg0MzU4LWQ2Nzg3NGJiZGQ2MjRmNzkzN2Q4YzU1MWYyZTdjYjA2ZTA5M2RkNzE2ZjdkNzI5ZThhOWY5MjljYWZmYmY4ZjM . Everybody is welcome to join our community chat.

franbuehler commented 4 years ago



PRs on hold

Other Items


It was already late. We did not talk about new issues.