SpiderOak / Encryptr

Encryptr is a zero-knowledge cloud-based password manager / e-wallet powered by Crypton
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.58k stars 138 forks source link

Save passwords locally? #254

Open AMPBEdu opened 8 years ago

AMPBEdu commented 8 years ago

Is there a reason encrypted passwords aren't stored locally for offline access?

PeterSprague commented 8 years ago

I like the app and currently use it as a replacement for encrypted dropbox folder. The lack of local storage bothers me every time I use the app. While i support Spideroak as a business, what happens if they flounder?

We need to have at least an option invoke encrypted local storage and/or backups. Another option would be to be able to specify a secondary cloud storage provider.

As I said, I use the app daily and it overall satisfies my needs. This one area is where it falls down in my estimation.

devgeeks commented 8 years ago

Offline is very much on the roadmap.

I agree it's an important feature.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Is there any timeline for this roadmap/feature? Is it being worked on actively?

An offline mode would help me a lot - I'd like to store data that I may need access to when I have no internet options.

lhoss commented 8 years ago

👍 for this feature (without being able to run it on-premise, we need to look further) found this on: http://venturebeat.com/2015/10/13/7-open-source-password-managers-to-try-now-that-logmein-owns-lastpass/

ghost commented 8 years ago

@devgeeks perhaps a backup / restore feature would be a good start? We could build off of that and start working towards local use from there...

mcd1992 commented 7 years ago

Any update on this? I'd love to be able to host my own web-end for the encryptr software or at the very least be able to locally save my data through the existing system.

JRebhan commented 7 years ago

The lack of this feature is what's keeping my team from using it. What happens if the servers are not available, have a problem etc. I can't be shut off from important logins for my customers. I need to be able to log in and use the "local state" of the DB.

I fully support the introduction of this feature.

franzos commented 7 years ago


mgascoyne commented 7 years ago


aquaflamingo commented 7 years ago

Just Tweeted @SpiderOak about this today, I think this is VERY Important in the upcoming releases. Even once a week snapshots of password database state for local access would be better then nothing. :)

silibdev commented 7 years ago


ksalman commented 7 years ago
