SpiderOak / Encryptr

Encryptr is a zero-knowledge cloud-based password manager / e-wallet powered by Crypton
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: More Organization Options #259

Open jhoffine opened 8 years ago

jhoffine commented 8 years ago

Just tried out Encryptor and like it so far. I have a feature request to be able to folders (e.g., banks, emails, shopping, forums, kids school, etc.) to keep entries separated. This way, one's online bank entry isn't lost among many online forum password entries. I have used RoboForm and KeePass (using KeePass now) and folders are very helpful to keep logins organized (I have > 100 logins).

lenowng commented 8 years ago

+1 Categorizing and Grouping feature for more tidy look and accessibility.

ciphermenial commented 8 years ago

Why do we need this feature? Isn't this why there is the ability to search? Nothing is lost if all that is required to find it is a few keystrokes.

ghost commented 8 years ago

+1 @simplexion This is how feature creep begins... If you need organization, "tag" your labels with whatever organizers you need. @lenowng Those aren't related issues. Open a new issue for that.

gerrywastaken commented 8 years ago

@simplexion @Scath-Enfys Well as much as search is great it's not quite the same. Categories do not require you to keep all the categories in your head in order to use it. Would an operating system not require directories if you could label files and search those labels or in this instance do directories provide something extra? I don't know about you guys, but I have lots of passwords and organising using "tags", which are currently not visible anywhere other than clicking on each stored entry is not a great way of keeping things organised.

ciphermenial commented 8 years ago

@gerrywastaken Directories are the biggest problem in filesystems these days. I would love if there was a good filesystem that allowed for quality searching and the use of tags. Placing them in directories is not great. It then requires that you remember exactly how the files are stored, rather than having the ability to search all files based on sensible information regarding those files.

gerrywastaken commented 8 years ago

@simplexion That is a false choice. You can have both. One does not exclude the other. I wasn't for a second suggesting directories in place of labels and I don't believe anybody else was either.