Spiderjockey02 / Discord-Bot

A discord bot that can play music, moderate, log events and more
Apache License 2.0
530 stars 315 forks source link

Lavalink #532

Closed JustANormalProgramm3r closed 1 year ago

JustANormalProgramm3r commented 1 year ago

Whenever I run the bot it gives me this error: Lavalink node: 'localhost', has error: 'connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:5000

Spiderjockey02 commented 1 year ago

Are you running the lavalink server on that port?

JustANormalProgramm3r commented 1 year ago

i'm running it

JustANormalProgramm3r commented 1 year ago

on that port

birongliu commented 1 year ago

Is your credentials same in yml file and config

JustANormalProgramm3r commented 1 year ago


Spiderjockey02 commented 1 year ago

Also just a quick on, ::1 is an IPv6 address, can you try just using localhost (or the IPv4 address of the server running the lavalink)?

JustANormalProgramm3r commented 1 year ago

i put localhost

birongliu commented 1 year ago

In your application.yml is your address:

JustANormalProgramm3r commented 1 year ago


birongliu commented 1 year ago

For hosting locally i recommend you not change the address property

JustANormalProgramm3r commented 1 year ago

okay i'll try switching it back to

JustANormalProgramm3r commented 1 year ago

Lavalink node: '', has error: 'connect ECONNREFUSED'

birongliu commented 1 year ago

And your password in application.yml should be same as the node configuration for erelajs

JustANormalProgramm3r commented 1 year ago

the passwords are the same

birongliu commented 1 year ago

And the port should be same as well so you have 5000 than both should be same

Spiderjockey02 commented 1 year ago

ECONNREFUSED means it couldn't connect to the port on the that IP, what is your host and you running them both on the same system?

JustANormalProgramm3r commented 1 year ago

the host is and i'm running them both on the same system

Spiderjockey02 commented 1 year ago

If you have discord it might be best to join our support server so we see screenshots etc easier? https://discord.gg/8g6zUQu

JustANormalProgramm3r commented 1 year ago

i'm ~comput3r~