SpikeHD / AmazonMonitor

Amazon price checker, item monitor and stock monitor, all shoved into a Discord bot
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[FEATURE] Boosting !search capacities #101

Open Alex3000130 opened 1 year ago

Alex3000130 commented 1 year ago


I've been thinking about how searches could be more powerful and here is 2 quick suggestions:

Adding arguments to searches Just like watchlists, it could be beneficial to be able to add arguments to searches, like price discounts or being able to search by categories.

Ex: I'm looking for a gaming monitor, I want to know which one are currently having discounts so I type !search -q gaming+monitor -p 30%

Showing discounts / coupons on search results This one is linked with the previous suggestion.

As of now, you have the price of each search results showing up, but no information to whether there's a discount on it or not. By adding this feature, it removes the need to !details each and every results to get the information. You can see at a quick glances if there's discounts if you're looking for them, before pulling more details from the result.

Ex: I !search gaming+monitor, there's 5 results that pop, two of them are in discount, I can then !details one of the two

These additions could boost up the !search functions capabilities quite a lot in my opinion and get the command on par with the power of the !watch one, which is amazing.

SpikeHD commented 1 year ago

EDIT: Misread what you meant, these are good ideas and I'll see about implementing some of them