SpikeHD / AmazonMonitor

Amazon price checker, item monitor and stock monitor, all shoved into a Discord bot
GNU General Public License v3.0
236 stars 39 forks source link

Recognizes stock but doesn't post and dependencies issues #52

Closed masterb4 closed 3 years ago

masterb4 commented 3 years ago


Recognized a few errors while setting up the monitor today. I installed all the dependencies listed in package.json and their proper versions after having the issue with it not posting to the discord channel. However, I noticed a few of these dependencies were depreciated. Not sure if this contributes to the issue I am having. The two dependencies I noticed that were depreciated were request and request-promise. Discord bot had all permissions.

Errors: image

Debug log: image

Package-lock.json in .txt package-lock.txt

SpikeHD commented 3 years ago

When you add your item for the first time, the state of that item (eg. price, in/out of stock, etc.) is saved. The bot will not post about an item, even if it is in stock, if the state is the same as it was previously. It would be spammy otherwise.

You can test to make sure the bot is watching prices properly by going into the watchlist.json, finding an item, and changing the lastPrice to something higher than the actual price. When you restart the bot, it should post about an updated price.

masterb4 commented 3 years ago

Perfect, that worked! Thanks for your help!