SpikeInterface / SpikeInterface-Hackathon-Edinburgh-May24

Repo for SpikeInterface Hackathon in Edinburgh - May24
MIT License
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[NEW PROJECT]: Spike Net: Create benchmark datasets by manually picking visible spikes #37

Open GaelleChapuis opened 4 months ago

GaelleChapuis commented 4 months ago

Project title:

Spike Net: Create benchmark datasets by manually picking visible spikes

Key Investigators

Project Description

To assess the precision and recall of a spike sorter spike detection, there are a few approaches - hybrid datasets, ground truth datasets with intracellular recordings performed juxtacellularly ; but these datasets are either missing some natural components, or are rare. Here we propose to enhance our pool of dataset by having humans labelling visible spikes on raw data, recorded in several brain regions.


viewephys is a viewer of raw ephys data developed by Olivier Winter at the International Brain Laboratory: https://github.com/int-brain-lab/viewephys

We propose to develop the benchmarks using the IBL datasets publicly available: http://reveal.internationalbrainlab.org.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/benchmarks.html#/0/2 Loading code: https://int-brain-lab.github.io/iblenv/notebooks_external/loading_raw_ephys_data.html


The main work at this hackathon will focus on documenting and amending the viewephys desktop app to perform manual spike picking -- from there, it can be later input into a web platform (but this will not be done at this Hackathon).

Approach and Plan

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Spike net: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OA69Ptg58AQnGdmGi6UvZFrngwZDMixil1V7hJX6bNI/edit

alejoe91 commented 4 months ago

@GaelleChapuis maybe a good idea is to integrate the launching and saving into SpikeInterface? So we can use all the existing comparison metrics!

GaelleChapuis commented 4 months ago

Example of spikes well visible by eyes that are not detected (green arrows; red dots are detected spikes by pyKS, regardless of being good / bad units)

Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 10 07 08
GaelleChapuis commented 4 months ago

Example added picks in blue:

Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 09 53 50