SpikeInterface / spikeinterface

A Python-based module for creating flexible and robust spike sorting pipelines.
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Motion correction not working after high pass spatial filter #2421

Open guidomeijer opened 7 months ago

guidomeijer commented 7 months ago

When I apply a high pass spatial filter I can't do motion correction afterwards. The script just hangs during motion correction without providing any feedback, error or progress bar. When I substitute the high pass spatial filter for a common reference the motion correction does work. Here is my code:

            # Load in recording         
            if len(glob(join(probe_path, '*.cbin'))) > 0:
                # Recording is already compressed by a previous run, loading in compressed data
                rec = se.read_cbin_ibl(probe_path)
                rec = se.read_spikeglx(probe_path, stream_id=f'imec{split(probe_path)[-1][-1]}.ap')

            # Pre-process 
            print('Applying high-pass filter.. ', end='')
            rec_filtered = spre.highpass_filter(rec)
            print('Done\nCorrecting for phase shift.. ', end='')
            rec_shifted = spre.phase_shift(rec_filtered)
            print('Done\nDetecting and interpolating over bad channels.. ', end='')
            bad_channel_ids, all_channels = spre.detect_bad_channels(rec_shifted)
            rec_interpolated = spre.interpolate_bad_channels(rec_shifted, bad_channel_ids)
            print('Done\nDestriping.. ', end='')
            rec_destriped = spre.highpass_spatial_filter(rec_interpolated)
            print('Done\nPerforming motion correction.. ', end='')
            rec_corrected = spre.correct_motion(rec_destriped, preset='nonrigid_accurate',
                                                n_jobs=-1, progress_bar=True)

To check whether something strange is happening during the high pass spatial filter I made some plots but they look fine to me:


I'd like to use the spatial filter instead of the common reference so any help on how to get the motion correction to work with the spatial filter would be appreciated!

alejoe91 commented 7 months ago


Can you try to pre-cache the highpass-spatial filtered recording to see if that fixes the motion correction?

Just add:

rec_destriped = rec_destriped.save(folder=destriped", n_jobs=...)

before the motion correction step. If that also hangs, then it must be something with the highpass spatial filter parallelization performance

guidomeijer commented 7 months ago

Yes, now it hangs at the destriping step.

alejoe91 commented 7 months ago

Can you try to run it with n_jobs=1? Then we know is the parallelization of it

JoeZiminski commented 2 months ago

Hey @guidomeijer! hope things are good. I had a go and replicating now from main branch with the below:

import spikeinterface.full as si
from spikeinterface.postprocessing.amplitude_scalings import _plot_collisions, _plot_one_collision
# Generate curated sorting

if __name__ == '__main__':  # I am on windows 
    recording, _ = si.generate_ground_truth_recording(durations=[100], num_channels=384)

    recording = si.bandpass_filter(recording)
    recording = si.highpass_spatial_filter(recording)
    recording = si.correct_motion(recording, preset='nonrigid_accurate', n_jobs=-1, progress_bar=True)

I wonder if you still see this error on main branch, either with the MRE above or your original dataset?