SpikeInterface / spikeinterface

A Python-based module for creating flexible and robust spike sorting pipelines.
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"Index exceeds matrix dimension" kilosort2 failure + General question on directory/subdirectory setup #3427

Open TheAnton205 opened 1 month ago

TheAnton205 commented 1 month ago

Trying to run kilosort2 on jupyter notebook setup for spike interface version 0.99.1, but getting an "index exceeds matrix dimension error" from my kilosort.

Running the same dataset (openephys .dat) via the same kilosort GUI, nothing fails.

This is the code running the kilosort:

recording_f = si.bandpass_filter(fullRecording_WT_LFP, freq_min=300, freq_max=1249) #freqs for LFP
recording_cmr = si.common_reference(fullRecording_WT_LFP, reference='global', operator='median')

fs = fullRecording_WT_LFP.get_sampling_frequency()
num_frames = fullRecording_WT_LFP.get_num_frames()
channels = fullRecording_WT_LFP.get_num_channels()

# recordingSeconds = recording_cmr.frame_slice(start_frame=0*fs, end_frame=100*fs)
recordingSeconds = fullRecording_WT_LFP.frame_slice(start_frame=0*fs, end_frame=100*fs)
# recordingSeconds = fullRecording_WT_LFP

secondsSorted = si.run_sorter('kilosort2', recordingSeconds,remove_existing_folder=True,output_folder=r'H:\results', verbose=True)

Looking online I see that this could be due to kilosort not reading the channels, but asking spikeinterface to print num_channels() proves that spikeinterface is giving kilosort the correct data set.

However, this could also be due to the way that I am extracting my openephys data from the folder. Does anyone have a method to simply choose individual continuous.dat files without having to go through this trouble.

My standard directory tree looks like this: 2023 --> Record Node 101 --> (experiment 1 | experiment 2) --> (recording1 | recording2 | recording3) --> (continuous | events) --> (Neuropix-PXI-100.ProbeA-AP | Neuropix-PXI-100.ProbeA-LFP) --> continous.dat

Here is how I am doing it with spikeinterface:

#extract the recording we need
recordingExtractsWT_LFP = se.read_openephys(recording_file,block_index=0,stream_name="Record Node 101#Neuropix-PXI-100.ProbeA-LFP")
recordingExtractsHOM_LFP = se.read_openephys(recording_file,block_index=1,stream_name="Record Node 101#Neuropix-PXI-100.ProbeA-LFP")

#action potentials
recordingExtractsWT_AP = se.read_openephys(recording_file,block_index=0,stream_name="Record Node 101#Neuropix-PXI-100.ProbeA-AP")
recordingExtractsHOM_AP = se.read_openephys(recording_file,block_index=1,stream_name="Record Node 101#Neuropix-PXI-100.ProbeA-AP")

wtBaseline_LFP = si.select_segment_recording(recordingExtractsWT_LFP, segment_indices=0)
wtPTZ_LFP = si.select_segment_recording(recordingExtractsWT_LFP, segment_indices=1)
wtDeadPTZ_LFP = si.select_segment_recording(recordingExtractsWT_LFP, segment_indices=2)

wtBaseline_AP = si.select_segment_recording(recordingExtractsWT_AP, segment_indices=0)
wtPTZ_AP = si.select_segment_recording(recordingExtractsWT_AP, segment_indices=1)
wtDeadPTZ_AP = si.select_segment_recording(recordingExtractsWT_AP, segment_indices=2)

fullRecording_WT_LFP = si.concatenate_recordings([wtBaseline_LFP,wtPTZ_LFP])
fullRecording_WT_LFP = wtBaseline_LFP
fullRecording_WT_AP = si.concatenate_recordings([wtBaseline_AP,wtPTZ_AP])

HOMBaseline_LFP = si.select_segment_recording(recordingExtractsHOM_LFP, segment_indices=0)
HOMPTZ_LFP = si.select_segment_recording(recordingExtractsHOM_LFP, segment_indices=1)
HOMPTZ2_LFP = si.select_segment_recording(recordingExtractsHOM_LFP, segment_indices=2)

HOMBaseline_AP = si.select_segment_recording(recordingExtractsHOM_AP, segment_indices=0)
HOMPTZ_AP = si.select_segment_recording(recordingExtractsHOM_AP, segment_indices=1)
#HOMPTZ2_AP = si.select_segment_recording(recordingExtractsHOM_LFP, segment_indices=2)

fullRecording_HOM_LFP = si.concatenate_recordings([wtBaseline_LFP,wtPTZ_LFP,wtDeadPTZ_LFP,HOMBaseline_LFP,HOMPTZ_LFP])
fullRecording_HOM_AP = si.concatenate_recordings([wtBaseline_AP,wtPTZ_AP,wtDeadPTZ_AP,HOMBaseline_AP,HOMPTZ_AP])

any thoughts would be great. thank you!

alejoe91 commented 1 month ago

@TheAnton205 from your codee it seems you're spike sorting the LFP stream? You should use the AP stream!

Can you give it a try?

anthony-sharonov commented 1 month ago

I'm sorry but I don't understand. I want to sort the LFP stream, as in the data file that corresponds to our LFPs. In the kilosort2 GUI I can simply use the continuous.dat file for the LFP stream and sort the spikes for that. Maybe I am misunderstanding the way spikeinterface handles the call to kilosort?

alejoe91 commented 1 month ago

The LFP stream is not supposed to contain any spike, because they are filtered out by the low pass filter. Is there any specific reason why you want to spike sort it? I would expect any spike sorter to fail or misbehave, since there should be no apparent spikes.

anthony-sharonov commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the insight. It seems that in fact the LFP streams aren't able to be sorted through spikeinterface. We wanted to determine synchrony through a custom function, but it seems for now we will do this through the AP streams.

However, looking through the run_sorter code for spikeinterface, I see that the sorting output for run_sorter is just a numpy array. Would it be possible to take the numpy sorting output from the kilosort GUI and feed that sorting.npy to spikeinterface to use spikeinterface functions on. Is it possible to instantiate a spikeinterface object via a saved numpy recording?