SpinGo / op-rabbit

The Opinionated RabbitMQ Library for Scala and Akka
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Application Losing messages when RabbitMQ is not available and the Application crashes during that period #150

Closed AbacusIntegrationPlatform closed 6 years ago

AbacusIntegrationPlatform commented 6 years ago

I am having an issue where RabbitMQ Connection is getting disconnected intermittently. Op-Rabbit is able to recover the connection if it is available for a short period of time as it persists/queues the messages in the actor. But if the application crashes when the rabbit MQ is down, the persisted messages in the Actor is getting lost as it is in-memory persistence. I want this error to be thrown out rather than persisting it in the actor memory. I am using a default publisher as below.

val publisher = Publisher.queue(QName)   
rabbitControl ! Message(jsonString, publisher)
timcharper commented 6 years ago

Publisher confirmations is what you're looking for:


AbacusIntegrationPlatform commented 6 years ago

@timcharper Thank you.

I tried with this way given - val received = ( rabbitControl ? Message.queue(jsonmsg,queue = "demoqueue")).mapTo[ConfirmResponse]

Still, if there is a connection failure, it is internally retrying rather than throwing error out. Is there a way to throw the error so that i can send Nack to the source ?