SpinGo / op-rabbit

The Opinionated RabbitMQ Library for Scala and Akka
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How to connect with ssl=true? #161

Open borice opened 5 years ago

borice commented 5 years ago

Can you please provide an example of how to connect to RabbitMQ server with SSL/TLS enabled?

Thank you.

DStranger commented 5 years ago

Hi @borice,

connection {
    virtual-host = "/"
    hosts = [""]
    username = "guest"
    password = "guest"
    port = 5672
    ssl = true
borice commented 5 years ago

Thank you @DStranger, however I was looking for a different answer. How do I specify the TLS certificates to be used for the connection? I would like to set up an encrypted connection for the messaging subsystem whereby all the messages between client and server are encrypted, and the client's certificate is verified. Also, I believe the port should be 5671 for TLS connections, no? Thank you.

EDIT: for example, I want to be able to use ssl_options.verify=verify_peer and ssl_options.fail_if_no_peer_cert=true in the server configuration, and be able to connect to it via op_rabbit.

DStranger commented 5 years ago

Hi @borice! Sorry, I didn't really give your question too much thought. This is how TLS configuration is done with the java client, but I think this is not currently possible in op-rabbit.

borice commented 5 years ago

Hi again.

I managed to get SSL working the way I want. Here's how I did it (can be refactored better, but here it goes as PoC):

I added a new ssl-config section to the oprabbit.connection configuration:

    connection {
        virtual-host = "/"
        hosts = ["REDACTED"]
        username = "REDACTED"
        password = "REDACTED"
        port = 5671
        connection-timeout = 3s
        ssl = true

        ssl-config {
            ssl: "TLSv1.2"

            keyManager.store {
                type: "PKCS12"
                path: "client_key.p12"
                password: "REDACTED"

            trustManager.store {
                type: "JKS"
                path: "rabbitstore.jks"
                password: "REDACTED"

and then, in code:

    implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("rabbitmq")
    val connectionConfig = RabbitConfig.connectionConfig
    val connectionParams = ConnectionParams.fromConfig(connectionConfig)

    val sslContext =
      if (connectionParams.ssl) Some(getSslContext(connectionConfig.getConfig("ssl-config")))
      else None

    val factory = new ConnectionFactory()
    val firstHost = connectionParams.hosts.head
    connectionParams.sharedExecutor foreach factory.setSharedExecutor
    sslContext foreach factory.useSslProtocol

    val connectionActorProps = ConnectionActor.props(factory)
    val connectionActor = actorSystem.actorOf(connectionActorProps, RabbitControl.CONNECTION_ACTOR_NAME)

    val rabbitControlProps = Props(classOf[RabbitControl], connectionActor)
    val rabbitControl = actorSystem.actorOf(rabbitControlProps)

    // now you can use rabbitControl as normal

with supporting methods:

  def getSslContext(config: Config): SSLContext = {
    val keyStoreConfig = config.getConfig("keyManager.store")
    val keyManagerFactory = getKeyManagerFactory(keyStoreConfig)

    val trustStoreConfig = config.getConfig("trustManager.store")
    val trustManagerFactory = getTrustManagerFactory(trustStoreConfig)

    val ssl = if (config.hasPath("ssl")) config.getString("ssl") else "TLSv1.2"
    val sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance(ssl)
    sslContext.init(keyManagerFactory.getKeyManagers, trustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers, null)


  def getKeyManagerFactory(config: Config): KeyManagerFactory = {
    val ksType = if (config.hasPath("type")) config.getString("type") else "PKCS12"
    val ksPath = config.getString("path")
    val ksPassword = if (config.hasPath("password")) Some(config.getString("password").toCharArray) else None

    val ks = KeyStore.getInstance(ksType)
    using(new FileInputStream(ksPath))(ks.load(_, ksPassword.orNull))

    val kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance("SunX509")
    kmf.init(ks, ksPassword.orNull)


  def getTrustManagerFactory(config: Config): TrustManagerFactory = {
    val ksType = if (config.hasPath("type")) config.getString("type") else "PKCS12"
    val ksPath = config.getString("path")
    val ksPassword = if (config.hasPath("password")) Some(config.getString("password").toCharArray) else None

    val ks = KeyStore.getInstance(ksType)
    using(new FileInputStream(ksPath))(ks.load(_, ksPassword.orNull))

    val tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance("SunX509")


  def using[A, B <: {def close() : Unit}](closeable: B)(f: B => A): A =
    try {
    finally {

Hope this helps someone else.

timcharper commented 5 years ago

@borice this is great! Any chance you'd be willing to put this in to a PR with some additions to the README for how to use?

timcharper commented 5 years ago

Also, any reason to not just configure and use the JVM's default keystore?