SpinalHDL / SpinalHDL

Scala based HDL
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switch generate redundant verilog code #1451

Open cb38 opened 1 week ago

cb38 commented 1 week ago

This can be seen generating .v using the UartCtrlRxMain from the workshop.

it generates multiples cases while one shall be enough. The code is valid though.

` always @(*) begin bitCounter_clear = 1'b0; case(stateMachine_state) UartCtrlRxState_IDLE : begin end UartCtrlRxState_START : begin if(bitTimer_tick) begin bitCounter_clear = 1'b1; end end UartCtrlRxState_DATA : begin end default : begin end endcase end

always @(*) begin io_read_valid = 1'b0; case(stateMachine_state) UartCtrlRxState_IDLE : begin end UartCtrlRxState_START : begin end UartCtrlRxState_DATA : begin end default : begin if(bitTimer_tick) begin io_read_valid = 1'b1; end end endcase end `

Dolu1990 commented 1 week ago


This is done on purpose.

The reason is that in some cases, verilog can create "simulation only" processing loop between unclocked always blocks if always blocks assign more than one signal in the unclocked always block.

There is an option in spinalhdl to merge always block with similar conditional scope.

cb38 commented 1 week ago

There is an option in spinalhdl to merge always block with similar conditional scope. what is the option ?

Dolu1990 commented 1 week ago

SpinalConfig(mergeAsyncProcess = true).generateVerilog(new MyToplevel)

But better not using it.