SpinalHDL / VexRiscv

A FPGA friendly 32 bit RISC-V CPU implementation
MIT License
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Dcahce single burst on AXI write #357

Closed hszilard13 closed 1 year ago

hszilard13 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I noticed that the data cache is reading in bursts of 8, but when writing the data the dBusAxi_aw_payload_len signal is stuck at 0 and dBusAxi_a_payload_last is always 1. image The cache configuration is:

 new DBusCachedPlugin(
          dBusCmdMasterPipe = true,
          dBusCmdSlavePipe = true,
          dBusRspSlavePipe = true,
          config = new DataCacheConfig(
            cacheSize         = 4096,
            bytePerLine       = 32,
            wayCount          = 1,
            addressWidth      = 32,
            cpuDataWidth      = 32,
            memDataWidth      = 32,
            catchAccessError  = true,
            catchIllegal      = true,
            catchUnaligned    = true,
            withLrSc = true,
            withAmo = true

My expectation is if the cache line is 32 bytes wide that the CPU will write a whole line that is transfers of burst length 7. Is this correct? Can I obtain maximum burst length?

dockside-code commented 1 year ago

I think Vex only uses the bursting feature during read, in which it loads an entire cache line to the D$. AFAIK the write transfers are always issued in single beat.

Dolu1990 commented 1 year ago

VexRiscv has a write through cache. So reads to fill the cache are always the size of a full cache line, while software writes directly goes to the main memory untouched. This behaviour can't be changed.

hszilard13 commented 1 year ago

Alright, thank you!