SpinalHDL / VexRiscv

A FPGA friendly 32 bit RISC-V CPU implementation
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QSys interprets clock and reset as conduits #36

Closed kaofishy closed 6 years ago

kaofishy commented 6 years ago


After compiling the VexRiscvAvalonForSim example, I imported the TCL component into Quartus but trying to instantiate it inside Platform Designer I receive the following errors:

Error: unsaved.VexRiscv_0: VexRiscv_0.debug_resetOut has an associatedClock of "clk" with incompatible type "conduit"
Error: unsaved.VexRiscv_0: VexRiscv_0.timerInterrupt has an associatedReset of "reset" with incompatible type "conduit"
Error: unsaved.VexRiscv_0: VexRiscv_0.timerInterrupt has an associatedClock of "clk" with incompatible type "conduit"
Error: unsaved.VexRiscv_0: VexRiscv_0.externalInterrupt has an associatedReset of "reset" with incompatible type "conduit"
Error: unsaved.VexRiscv_0: VexRiscv_0.externalInterrupt has an associatedClock of "clk" with incompatible type "conduit"
Error: unsaved.VexRiscv_0: VexRiscv_0.iBusAvalon has an associatedReset of "reset" with incompatible type "conduit"
Error: unsaved.VexRiscv_0: VexRiscv_0.iBusAvalon has an associatedClock of "clk" with incompatible type "conduit"
Error: unsaved.VexRiscv_0: VexRiscv_0.dBusAvalon has an associatedReset of "reset" with incompatible type "conduit"
Error: unsaved.VexRiscv_0: VexRiscv_0.dBusAvalon has an associatedClock of "clk" with incompatible type "conduit"
Error: unsaved.VexRiscv_0: VexRiscv_0.debugBusAvalon has an associatedReset of "debugReset" with incompatible type "conduit"
Error: unsaved.VexRiscv_0: VexRiscv_0.debugBusAvalon has an associatedClock of "clk" with incompatible type "conduit"

This happens with VexRiscvAvalanWithIntegratedJtag as well. I am using Quartus II 18.0 .


Dolu1990 commented 6 years ago


When i made this autogenerated TCL stuff that was with Quartus II 14.1 (if i remember well) So maybe they had some changes which broke some of the compatibility ?

I will check what happened.


Dolu1990 commented 6 years ago

Ok so in fact i made it for qsys 13.1 ^^

Anyway, i tried with 15.1, and i remember it worked with it, and it is broken, something happend on my side, i will lets you know when it is fixed.

kaofishy commented 6 years ago

No worries, I'm working with a MAX10 (very cheap dev boards!) so unfortunately 13.1 doesn't work for me.

Dolu1990 commented 6 years ago

I identified the issue and submited a fix to the SpinalHDL repo. but currently it isn't released.

But you can already use it :

By importing things in Qsys 17.0, things look fine for me, should be fine for qsys 18.0.

Just be carefull with resets : image

kaofishy commented 6 years ago

Just tried it in 18.0 and it works! Thanks for the quick response.