Spinoco / fs2-cassandra

Asynchronous, fully functional Cassandra driver implemented in fs2
MIT License
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issue with typelevel scala #5

Open tscholak opened 7 years ago

tscholak commented 7 years ago

fs2-cassandra won't work in a project using the typelevel scala compiler with -Yliteral-types, e.g.

No field Symbol('keyspace_name) in record R
[error]       .partition('keyspace_name)
pchlupacek commented 7 years ago

@tscholak Is this somehow related to http://docs.scala-lang.org/sips/pending/42.type.html? Can you please tell me which version of scalac you are using ?

pchlupacek commented 7 years ago

as regards the type system, the whole functionality relies on shapeless. Would be also nice to check if you don't have conflict with shapeless version.

tscholak commented 7 years ago

I was testing with shapeless 2.3.1, typelevel scalac 2.11.8, and fs2-cassandra 0.1.6. You can easily reproduce the problem by adding scalaOrganization := "org.typelevel" and "-Yliteral-types" to fs2-cassandra's build.sbt.

tscholak commented 7 years ago

and yes, -Yliteral-type activates Miles' implementation of SIP-42, https://github.com/scala/scala/pull/5310