SpiralLinux / SpiralLinux-project

SpiralLinux project
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I think it better to allow setting btrfs subvol when installing #139

Closed CicadaSeventeen closed 1 year ago

CicadaSeventeen commented 1 year ago

Spiral Linux uses btrfs as default, while it does not allow user to choose settings about btrfs subvol. Although the default subvol setting of SpiralLinux is OK (much better than debian default), it is sad that I cannot set it myself as I want. For example, I may want to make /opt and '/usr/local' or /var to be subvol. While former two is easy to do so after installation, making /var a subvol after installing is quite annoying. In my opinion, openSUSE and Fedora do well at this aspect. I know openSUSE's powerful installer is from YAST which is quite hard to be transplanted to other distros. But Fedora (or I should better say, Redhat) 's Anaconda is a great installer too. Maybe it can gives you some inspiration. Thanks.

geckolinux commented 1 year ago

Hi there, thanks for the comment. This isn't something that I can implement until the Calamares installer implements it. Feel free to add your thoughts to the feature request here: https://github.com/calamares/calamares/issues/1580