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r1868 dkms fails for 5.19 kernel from bullseye backports #175

Closed CicadaSeventeen closed 1 year ago

CicadaSeventeen commented 1 year ago

bullseye backports have updated to kernel 5.19. r8168-dkms from bullseye backports fails to build for 5.19 r8168-dkms from Sid needs higher version dkms so cannot just use it. This is a bug for debian backports. Just write here as information.

CicadaSeventeen commented 1 year ago

https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/r8168/+bug/1982000 The same bug from Ubuntu

geckolinux commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the notification on this. Could you please report it to the Debian Backports mailing list with a link to the Ubuntu bug as well? https://lists.debian.org/debian-backports

CicadaSeventeen commented 1 year ago

r8168-temp.tar.gz This package may work on 5.19. I have written to mailing list but they have not replied. I make this package myself and it does not report error on 5.19. However, I have no r8168 hardware to test

CicadaSeventeen commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/SpiralLinux/SpiralLinux-project/discussions/176 This is same problem.

geckolinux commented 1 year ago
