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os-prober doesn't detect other Btrfs installations with @ subvolume #3

Open geckolinux opened 2 years ago

geckolinux commented 2 years ago

Debian's version of os-prober does not detect other Linux installations with Btrfs that mount the @ subvolume to / .

There will be no solution for this in SpiralLinux until Debian fixes it, but this workaround can be manually implemented on affected systems: https://askubuntu.com/a/1032354

#Mount the other OS that is installed on Btrfs and navigate to its root
cd /mnt/exampleotherbtrfsvolume
#create symlink for /boot
ln -s @/boot boot
#create symlink for /etc
ln -s @/etc etc

#Let grub detect other OS on Btrfs
sudo update-grub2